GTA (Grand Theft Auto) is a game. When GTA is down, login may not be working, new matches won't start, parts of the game my refuse to load or users see error messages.
GTA reports
Reports about problems with GTA
  • Gta5 March 12 05 Patch notes Fixed an issue that resulted in a transaction error when requesting a Luxury Helicopter as a GTA+ Member (GTAV Enhanced only) Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple character intros triggering after starting the Career Builder (GTAV Enhanced only)
  • @RockstarGames can you fix the laggy server issues and downgrade the cars missile lock jammer there should a time limiter for the lock on jammer for the cars
  • @RockstarGames @RockstarSupport still ignoring the migration issue huh?
  • @RockstarGames #rockstargames #GTA5 When doing Oscar Guzman heist many times players cannot pilot the Helicopters or Titan. We are mashing throttle but the vehicles dont move. Please fix this glitch!
  • @RockstarGames @RockstarSupport the migration issue won't resolve itself by ignoring it
  • @SynthPotato I really think it's going to be a GTAV-RDR2 crossbreed wrapped up in graphical enhancements and the usual Rockstar writing style. That's about it. It'll be a fine game for what it is, but it's not going to reset the industry or solve the world's problems. Manage expectations.
  • @RockstarSuport @RockstarGames Rockstar's technical support is horrible, they don't pay attention to anything and they don't fix anything, even if you send them videos of the errors and bugs in the game.
  • @15xworldchamp @RockstarGames I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to JARDEN_CYBERFIX here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • @Hadalifeb4this_ @RockstarGames So again, no one owes you a response when you have a phone to search that yourself. Glad we’ve seen the error in your ways! Now you go out there and have the day you deserve!
  • @RockstarGames now I don’t have access to look at the Support Ticket I STARTED because YOU can’t fix a damn migration problem??????
  • @HPFut @RockstarGames We will unless theirs some internal issues going on and it possibly being delayed not saying it will be delayed or any internal issues but could be a possibility with how quiet they are who knows things can change quick with these things all of a sudden
  • I have also reported this to the French DGCCRF for consumer rights violations. Fix this ASAP before legal escalation. @RockstarGames @RockstarSupport
  • @uh6rian @RockstarGames i have tried MULTIPLE times and still can't migrate anything over!
  • @2paclypsenow @videotechuk_ rdr2 was fine, gta 5 was absolute garbage
  • @uh6rian @RockstarGames if ur on rockstar launcher re login
  • Rdr 1 is not available due to server issues @RockstarGames
  • @RockstarGames please fix the bugs!!!! My auto aiming is not working!! It really turns me mad, 5 min job turns into 15... And the attacks to my motorcycle businesses are a real pain, I receive 3 attacks in 50 minutes, this can't be possible!!! Do something about this!! ??
  • @TyeMcN84 @RockstarGames I ended up going on the website to do it.
  • @quentin77z @RockstarGames fix migration
  • @_1zli @RockstarGames I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to CODY_UNBAN here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • @quentin77z @RockstarGames Fix your looby ????
  • @TTGuy221 @RockstarGames Epic has some problems .... again. Still can't upgrade.....
  • Chat in GTA Online Enhanced version is not working for anyone. Please fix it soon @RockstarSupport #RockstarGames #GTAOnline #GTAV
  • @__404_Error____ @TGGonYT Yeah kinda since GTA 5 is still on an incredibly old engine and it to this day can have a lot of world simulation and rendering issues
  • @RockstarGames Hello, I came to report an error that I had 7,663,310 dollars in GTA online and I go to a casino mission and when I get to the casino mission I don't have 7,663,310 dollars I have 0 thanks for
  • @RockstarGames Fix migration issues
  • @TezFunz2 They did not fix the issue. You go to launch GTA 5 Enhanced Edition. And it launches Legacy and Enhanced at the same time. It's supposed to be different game versions. It's still reading in the code as one game
  • Update: Rockstar have fixed the issues with the Epic Games version. You can now properly access GTAV Enhanced. #GTAV
  • @RockstarGames @RockstarSupport We are experiencing issues as we cannot play GTA Online in GTAV Enhanced — the game shows: ‘Your save data could not be downloaded from the Rockstar cloud servers at this time.’ In Legacy, everything is fine. Can you please check this for us?
  • @OguzCandan12 @RockstarGames I noticed yes hopefully this is fixed soon
  • @Toxic_pluke2511 There are currently entitlement issues with the Epic Games version of GTAV Enhanced. You have to wait some time until it is fixed by Epic Games.
  • Dear epic users for gta 5 enhanced please play it offline mode it works perfectly #gta5 #gta5enhanced #epicgames
  • @RockstarGames please fix the 7002.1 error on GTA V Enhanced (Epic Games version)
  • GTA 5 Online’s Enhanced update pre-load is live for some PC players. Full drop on March 4—get ready for Los Santos 2.0! #GTAOnline #gainwithstewartilondanga #AR #AI #MR #XR #5G #NFT #xAI #QML #Web3 #SaaS #AIoT #Grok #DApps #DCaaS #MLOps #Space #slack #DevOps #fintech #Metaverse
  • @Hurleys96 @RockstarGames I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to CODY_UNBAN here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • @DeniPis79202 @RockstarGames I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to CODY_UNBAN here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • @RockstarSupport What's the deal with GTA Online? Game keeps saying Rockstar Online services are unavailable. Or if I launch GTAV through your launcher I get told you're experiencing technical difficulties. But the service status page says there's nothing wrong. What gives?
  • @RockstarGames during our runs of the diamond casino heist @_dankfrank_ and I were met with a game breaking glitch at the end of the heist, where when walking out of the vault we were removed from the session and failed the heist, which wasn’t our fault, we had this happen TWICE.
  • Is anyone having a problem where your getting kicked out of gta online and your game? @RockstarGames #GrandTheftAuto #help #fyp
  • @marinac_dev @RockstarGames “Spyware” implies malicious. It’s not malicious. And it only runs during the game running. Secondly the game is peer to peer so there is no server. And AI sucks for detection. Third the company is battleye which is German and bound by GDPR. R* isn’t responsible for it.
  • @Matt_a_mel @RockstarGames I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to javacracks here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • @Matt_a_mel @RockstarGames I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to CODY_UNBAN here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • Managed to get GTA5 working today. Figured out the issue. OBS issue looks like it may be resolved after some fixes and testing. Sometimes tech will be a struggle other times it will gravy baby. #TheBlitzNation
  • @wtfdontlickme @BadgerGoodger The current version of GTA5 on PC will be a separate application called "GTA 5 Legacy", so mods shouldn't be affected by it.
  • @idk_anymoredawg @RockstarGames i was really fed up when i had similar issues, support system did not even consider my appeal. i was recommended to #troyfixx here on twitter he got mine perfectly fixed in less than 45 minutes
  • @SHVUpdates I have recently updated my GTA 5 and when i launched it, showed an error which i think it meant that the script hook v that i am using is not compatible for this version. It is my request to the developer to update it so that it is compatible with version 1.0.3442.0
  • please make more smooth servers before GTA 6 GTA 5 Online Servers are too much slow and time consuming so please improve your GTA 5 Online Servers upgrade your server's before GTA 6 this is serious Issue you listen properly i hope you listen @RockstarGames @rocks
  • @RockstarGames @RockstarSupport please make more smooth servers before GTA 6 GTA 5 Online Servers are too much slow and time consuming so please improve your GTA 5 Online Servers upgrade your server's before GTA 6 this is serious Issue you listen properly i hope you listen
  • @RockstarGames fix ur game instead of giving me a error 5 times trying to join online tf is going on this getting me mad as F bruh jusdt trying to play some fr
  • Hey @DarkViperAU I was trying to do the North Yankton free roam glitch for the 1st time on the mission Bury the Hatchet last night, failed like 9x. Can't seem to time it right either exits garage in the plane or starts the mission. This get patched or should I try more? #GTAV
  • @RockstarGames can we sue for the parts of the game not working for 5 years
  • @RockstarGames when we fixing this 2 lifts and 2 staff auto body shop glitch?
  • @RockstarGames and @RockstarSupport both ignore and push aside issues they've caused. if anybody has a solution.... write it down and tell me. any more Off-Site directions will be reported. R* have actively stolen my money and NOT provided the content/service in which i've paid
  • @EvanMrozinski @RockstarGames We are living in stupid times
  • @MzSkittleDreads GTA 5 been draining pockets since 2013 but na 2K25 is the issue ???‍♂️
  • @cfc24fan @RockstarSupport Was annoying asf trying to load up gta 5 online on the Xbox 1 kept saying the game was unavailable it’s working now for me
  • @NFL x @RockstarGames Wonder #GTAVI Trailer 2 is going to drop during #SuperBowlLIX
  • @Adrien190303 @RockstarGames I doubt the switch 2 will be able to run GTA VI... But let's see. It will all depend on if it can handle GTA Online as it can't have its own servers. It has to be cross-play with PS5 / Xbox / PC lobbies ... Can't see the hardware keeping up
  • @ichibankasuga Every game works for me and the online features, but Echo of Ada. For some reason Echo of Ada still won't work. But i was able to play GTAV online and everything else.
  • @ItzPaulHD_v1 I played GTA 5 myself today off a disc without any issues (ofc the trophies didn't sync to psn but I'll live)
  • @RockstarGames my GTA 6 game not working !!’n
  • @AnawackYt xbox one? For glitch frozen money. #gta #gtav #gtaonline
  • @MavihsLH @VixoTag NPCs crashing is a major problem even in GTA 5. They drive horribly and cut you off a lot of the time.
  • @RockstarGames I own a Ps5 and XBox and my PC. The Ps5 and XBox collect dust as they are inferior to PC. If you think I’m gonna dust them off to play GtA6 when it drops your stupid. I will never purchase a copy on console when the superior system is PC. You just lost one sale.
  • It’s now 3pm and @RockstarGames hasn’t dropped any GTA 6 info. Our brain cells are cooked ?
  • @inkedELCHAPO @RockstarGames Everything seems different this time
  • @RockstarGames can you please fix the joining red dead server fail problem please, just trying to hunt some bears and it’s a huge inconvenience, thanks
  • Anyone know the best #GTA5 role play app five m is not working properly @RockstarGames
  • @RockstarGames your support teams is lame cause it replies with automatic replies and it wont reply if we reply to it. all its saying is to create a ticket but when i state the issue there is no answer for it and no ticket system so i need a action from your side.
  • @mickyshelby84 @RStarUniverse Wrong. They knew in February that GTA 5 was getting delayed.
  • @mrsolana69 @ExtremeBlitz__ Fucc gta6, just fix gta5.
  • @STsougkranis @UnL1k3cs Overwhelming positive with that many users is genuinely impossible. Look these widespread acclaimed games. GTA 5, Skyrim, Witcher 3, RDR2. All have effusive praise on all fronts yet are at very positive. So recent reviews with 12,000 people at overwhelming is incredible.
  • @inDECISIV3man @RockstarGames You Guys are really stupid, so Rockstar is not Working on GTA 6 now? Monkeys don't talk
  • Two issues I've found so far with this latest #GTAV update on #PS5 Ped cars crash into each other I ordered one of my own helicopters , I got two Aren't updates supposed to fix stuff not create more issues?
  • @RockstarGames There is a very annoying immortal glitch in GTA Online, still without a solution... Complex Location
  • @Tri_CityRp new bad guys wanted! Drop it a get an application today! Goto fivem and search TriCity RP then hit connect! #Tricityrp #GTAV #gta6 #jobseekers #FiveM
  • @Tri_CityRp new bad guys wanted! Drop it a get a application today! Goto fivem and search TriCity RP then hit connect! #Tricityrp #GTAV #gta6 #jobseekers #FiveM
  • @charlieINTEL GTA 5 works fine
  • 4 n 1/2 hours for GTA 5 update is insane I’ll just wait until 6 drop ?
  • @bread157 @RockstarGames Some stupid design choice considering modders restored it with cut animations and it works completely fine
  • @RockstarGames Then after trying to lobby hop here’s the annoying glitch, infinite loading screen for hours.
  • @RockstarGames Please please update and fix Red Dead Redemption 2 online. I love this game and there's so many things wrong with it. The metal detector is not working for collectables. Especially now during the double xp for the collector role. It was working the other day before
  • anyone know where i can get money drop on gta 5 online pc
  • @chiburashka77 @RockstarGames Virtual properties offer unparalleled investment opportunities in emerging metaverses. Secure your piece of the future.
  • @RockstarGames @PlayStation My R2 not working on my ps4 controller on the ps4 version ,on ps5 but the ps5 controller works for the ps4 GTA version
  • @GmanLives @hithisisdmitri It was hated cause of the messed up launch tho not cause of the story or map or anything else, so it’s understandable, gta 5 and rdr2 had the same problem, hell gta 5 still do
  • @RockstarGames why does my GTA game always error when I try to play online?? Nothing wrong with wifi etc?
  • @Leo_Neuman45 @RockstarGames Is this working for you yet? I’m having the same problem
  • @Frank2024GTA5 aren't you supposed to be in gta 5?
  • @RockstarSupport fix your game I cant load into gta 5 keeps saying my data is not working i tried everything To fix i cant load in help fix this
  • @RockstarGames can we get a patch to fix the headless glitch in Red Dead Nightmare on #Xbox one?
  • @NickPope_ @GTASixJoker What do you mean “yet”? What if they were working on it all along. Its been 15 years since gta 5
  • @CravensLilith @RockstarGames The mission isnt the problem, its the pay. Whos gonna buy a business for 3-8mil then only get 25k per?
  • @YTPreixy @RockstarGames Obv check online with this statement since it worked fine for me, only problem for me was to fix settings like graphics performance since I like mine to be on higher resolution, your data is still available and won’t be lost tho
  • @SynthPotato @SpivvyFPS What trouble did you have getting gta 5 working?
  • @RockstarGames You forgot to send me two of the many items I purchased on your sale and when trying to contact your support they (AI??) think I am having issues with a game despite me explaining perfectly what the issue is. How do I get this sorted??
  • Should I update my GTA5 to the PS5 edition OR should I wait until GTA6 drops?
  • @awehallows @IGN Gta5 didn't have online on day 1 either.
  • Why my gta not working #GTA5
  • @callmejuju_535 @RockstarGames Apparently PC servers have been off for like 2 hours already
  • Hello @RockstarGames @RockstarSupport , Are there issues on your side ? Can't log in to the launcher hence GTA 5 Online
  • Does anyone know why GTA 5 online is not working?
  • @RockstarSupport @RockstarGames, your servers are down, but your support insists there’s no problem and sends us routine fixes. Maybe focus on fixing your own missions before ignoring ours? ? #GTA6 #RockstarGames #Gaming
  • @AmeliaAmelia174 @RockstarGames Way to repeat what I said
  • @RockstarGames It looks like it’s just an issue with that car, I can sell other vehicles for the correct price.
  • @utsavtechie I bought my Lenovo laptop in 2017 and still working fine i played GTA 5 on them (cracked version) only issue is windows 11 in not compatible
  • how do i force my geriatric xbox 360 to connect to the internet doesn't matter if i have to do some crazy witch craft i just wanna save my gta 5 progress and do that famous glitch on the portal demo that lets you play the whole game no my xbox isnt the moddable version?
  • @ThePhoenixKng12 @that1detectiv3 We were expecting Second trailer, no update at all, We know that #RockstarGames give surprises
  • @NikTekOfficial For a guess Feb/march. If it's not dropped by then expect a delay isn't that right @RockstarGames ?!?!
  • @RockstarGames is there cloud data problems I can’t load my game because cloud data won’t load ? What’s up
  • @PowerGPU currently playing RDR2. I enjoy it better than GTAV right now.
  • @IOHK_Charles I think it's kinda dumb. Gamers want more, so give them more. Rockstar didn't give dlc's for GTAV or RDR2 and we all are still pissed about that
  • @RockstarSupport hello, i am still having issues with online multiplayer on GTA 5 PS4 and PS5, I can't access the network
  • @TheGoblinnn @RockstarGames Detective Gobby cracked the code??
  • @TheGoblinnn @RockstarGames It was right in front of our eyes all along ?
  • @JacobTrapp7 @RockstarGames Wait for the western Standard time in USA past 12
  • @RockstarGames rock star you need to fix gta online as there are players using the agency for a god mode glitch
  • @ManuA12TV GTA 5 which on sale rn for Xbox or some Xbox money
  • @RockstarGames downloaded launcher and GTA 5 but I get an error when trying to launch. How do I get my money back?
  • @RockstarGames how do I contact you via login problems
  • @RockstarGames From the last 7 days I am facing issues in connecting to GTA Online. I have good internet and a good laptop with SSD, still it takes 5-7min to connect gta online or it doesn't even connect after 5-7 min. I have updated to the latest but still facing the problem
  • @RockstarGames please fix the kayo lag out glitch you can’t even do intel for kayo I lag out every time I’m trying to do a kayo please fix this bug.
  • Does anyone still play gtav I need Xbox friends to add drop gamer tags
  • does gta 5 mask work glitch
  • @DarkViperAU As I thought. My Lexus is older than GTA 5 she runs fine ain't no way they just stop working.
  • @thatweb3gee @Luke_mitosis I didn't like this game very much, I lost 70% of my myths because of the system error. This reminded me of the days when I played illegal gta 5
  • Are the @RockstarGames servers offline? I’m trying too play But it’s saying my saved data is not loading.
  • @RockstarGames Can you fix the trolling/griefing issue in the game. Some of us are trying to keep our composure mellow but other players keeps on ruining the thrill of the game.
  • @Papmdapdap @RockstarGames Also, be careful with using the Terrobyte to spawn ressuply missions for your bunker. Had one where I entered a mission objective inside a building and it spawned me falling infinitely.
  • @EsilaShephield Well it's afternoon did gta 5 get updated and it's not working
  • @RockstarGames Bugs after this update: Ps5 -Apparel and tattoo glitch when switching characters -acid lab will sometimes fail to load upon entering -personal vehicle will sometimes spawn under map outside garment factory.
  • @RockstarGames seems your support ticket system is not working right now. The submit button goes grey and nothing happens.
  • Here are the latest updates Trailer Delay: The second trailer, initially expected in 2024, has been delayed to 2025 due to challenges in managing feedback. #GTA6 #GrandTheftAuto6 #ViceCity #GTA6Trailer #RockstarGames #GamingNews #GTA #GTA6Release #VideoGames #GamingCommunity
  • @RockstarGames Please fix the Diamond Casino heist mantrap glitch. Its been almost a week and I still cannot complete it because it keeps kicking me.
  • I just knowww these servers are going to CRASH as soon at GTA 6 drops. It did when GTAV dropped so I’m already knowing ??
  • @RockstarSupport Hello Rockstar Games I have a big Problem. I can't login to GTA 5 online on PS5. I bought the PS5 version of GTA 5 and after 2 days this happend. It says "no connection" or "login to PlayStation Network" even tho I did all this.
  • @RockstarGames fix yo game it crashed on me
  • @SchrdingersDbag No they will delay it to 2026 happens in every Rockstar game, then release the pc along with the playstation 6 and Xbox version in 2028, just like the did with GTA 5 .
  • Drop tomorrow ? Xbox new gen ?⏳#GTA5 #XBOX
  • @RockstarGames yoo fix yo game doesnt even load in to online or i get already a error TF thanks for ruining my mood
  • @RockstarGames Bet there is another god mode glitch with that update. ?
  • @GhillieYT If this happening rn for gta 5 online I am worried about gta 6 and gta online 2
  • hey, @RockstarGames support website seems to have broken html, was on it not long ago and it was working fine but now when i try use it, it tells me i don't have permisions
  • Anyone who plays gta5 on Xbox one is anyone else still having problems leaving the pent house for the night life leak
  • @GlamourNMetal @RockstarGames I think it's fixed now i played for 1 hour's continuously I didn't see any error
  • an error in the ps5 system so i tried deleted it normaly to update gta 5 wtf
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