Counter-Strike is game. When Counter-Strike is down, login may not be working, new matches won't start, parts of the game my refuse to load or users see error messages.
Counter-Strike reports
Reports about problems with Counter-Strike
  • @xMercy_CS @CounterStrike Seems like we’re in for a treat then. Thanks, time to pray??
  • @PincherMartin8 @Noahpinion During the Cold War, Norad & Soviet detection systems had false alarms of nuclear launch. Due to distance they had time to verify before counterstrike. Nukes in Cuba would've decreased strike time. Countries within 5 min of each other having nukes, risks false alarm disaster.
  • @dusterrrX @CounterStrike I know a professional who can help you fix that, because I had similar issues and he helped me fix it, i recommend you to JARDEN_CYBERFIX here on twitter, just send him a direct message.
  • @hobshytv @CounterStrike I mean it seems like it wasn't a problem back then either
  • @t998sh @jLcsgo_ jL, a professional Counter-Strike 2 player for Natus Vincere, is not currently under any fraud watch. The 2014 match-fixing scandal in CS:GO involved different players and teams, with no recent reports linking jL to similar issues.
  • @CounterStrike Hey, the weapon wheel doesn't work anymore, can you please fix it. It's by far the easiest way for me to select a weapon. Thanks.
  • @CounterStrike Bosdko FIX net jitter issues #MCO
  • @CounterStrike @valvesoftware good morning, sapphire fix/buff please, it's broken
  • @CounterStrike 5. Community Demand and Player Experience The CS2 community in Turkey has been vocal about their desire for dedicated servers. Social media platforms, gaming forums, and online petitions consistently highlight the frustrations of Turkish players.
  • @CounterStrike 1. High Latency Issues One of the most significant problems Turkish players face is high latency. Without a dedicated server in Turkey, players are forced to connect to European servers, often experiencing ping rates of 50-80ms or even higher.
  • @CounterStrike This absence leads to higher latency, unfair competitive disadvantages, and an overall frustrating experience. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Valve should establish Turkish servers for CS2 and how it would benefit both the company and its player base.
  • Just bcs your game is sh*t @CounterStrike @Steam - why should I get penalised? Every comp game I disconnect and get a steam crash message of file intergrity. Then the game doesn't load! Indie developer much? Val has a 1000 issues - but stability has never been one. Learn!!!
  • @ggsarzi @CounterStrike Okay. I will accept in a few hours when i get on my pc as well in case my phone is the issue. Thanks again
  • Dear @CounterStrike, Ketakiller an me are live with Bürgergeld cue, but we‘er currently facing some problems: We‘re right now in game 5 and oh graus: There are at least 4 cheaters per game :) In a few days @lukrismusic is on his way back from nz… pls fix until then. Thx
  • @BasedDepartment @CounterStrike I have a 10gib fiber connection with max. 20ms ping to all of the EU servers. I appreciate the advice!? but it won’t solve the initial problem.
  • Well i wanted to go live tonight and play Counter-Strike on @KickStreaming but the website been having issues for the past hours and i can’t even see my dashboard so i guess it’s GG for tn guys
  • Anyone else had this bug in @CounterStrike where they disconnect from a server and when you are back on the main menu you can hear everyone shooting and the console shows everyone connecting and stuff?
  • What the **** @CounterStrike. For an internet drop when I was playing Premier, and I canno't connect back, I lost 1000 points and get a 30 minute ban. Very good game.
  • @SkinPlaceOff @CounterStrike I’m sure they are aware of FPS optimization, cheating, and CT economy issues. They recently added more parameters to the after-match FPS log, are working on VACNet, and recently buffed the FAMAS - though it's a very small change.
  • part two of the previous scenario Soviet commandos would sabotage air bases, attack communications hubs, and seize key locations to delay an American counterstrike. Execution: The Attack Begins On November 7, 1983, coinciding with the height of Able Archer 83, (1/9)
  • @CounterStrike please fix the Helsinki server it has problems. Thanks. :)
  • @AvianSays @CounterStrike They completely ignore those who cheat,as long as the number of online users is sufficient.Regular players like us can only suffer in silence when encountering cheaters.
  • @hobshytv @CounterStrike (im trying to say that valve seems to reset some peoples ranks more than others so maybe one of your mates got trolled to lowelo by valve)
  • @hobenoit @CounterStrike right? something seems off. never had this issue last season
  • 4 premier matches minimum 2 cheaters why you cant fix your cheater problem @CounterStrike ?
  • @CounterStrike @ZPostFacto anyone take a look at cs2 frametime spike issues with the latest Nvidia drivers? adding -vulkan is the only way to reduce it curretly. else each time u press tab it just stutters... Any other way to fix this?
  • @valvesoftware @CounterStrike Can we please have some kind of notice that youre aware of the problem with .pak files corrupting. It forces an integrity check that then stalls out and does nothing resulting in a ban in comp. Im up to multi hour bans now because of this
  • @WarmupServer @CounterStrike Please renew the spawn system on DE Server
  • @FreakazoidA @CounterStrike Another extremely underwhelming update, not addressing any of the actual gameplay issues. Randomly nerfing mp7 and mp5 when the guns are never even purchased. Not nerfing running accuracy mp9. It's laughable at this point how out of touch they are.
  • @StraitYa @CounterStrike Rank reset… for a broken ranked system.
  • @CounterStrike Soon.. "After scheduled Tuesday maintenance"
  • since @CounterStrike is active on twitter lately, perhaps you can fix the issue of network where the console starts spamming the same command a million times which reduces the fps and increases ping ? cheers
  • @CounterStrike Are you guys going to address the shot reg not functioning properly? This game requires each shot to count and somehow the shot registration is worse in "2" than it is in both Source and GO. Please address your engine, or whatever the issue is. It would be GREAT to have an ETA.
  • @CounterStrike Please tell me that the issues with vac live have been resolved and cheaters will get banned now
  • @CounterStrike Grok: The delay in launching Season 2 is due to Valve testing an anti-cheat system. POGGERS
  • @Benz0die @CounterStrike Vac works fine as it is.
  • @CounterStrike Is it a display error?
  • @CounterStrike You guys still haven't fixed the game not responding once I click play it launches and I alt tab out to do something else while the game loads. Great game boys.
  • @CounterStrike Valve, don’t fix!
  • I miss csgo because those type of problems weren’t present. Please @valvesoftware @CounterStrike fix your game. I start to dislike it more and more because of the issues mentioned above
  • South Korea can also blame Chris Johnson, but probably not Thailand. Thailand will send the problems they are aware of. South Korea can blame sewage treatment. China found 9/11 with counterstrike in Blackpink playing noise live. There's a bathroom counter, that's new.
  • @CounterStrike fix alt tab issue please ...
  • @CounterStrike don't forget, email reports for "boosting report" is useless. Devs don't care and act.
  • @CounterStrike fix your source 2 tools for cs2. Building light or using path tracer crashed vrad on new nvidia drivers for my 4070. I can’t work on anything and only drivers from September work
  • @WarmupServer @CounterStrike can u add hsdm only on singapore / hk servers? ?
  • @michaeljknowles Exactly why the anti-abortion movement is so outrageous to them. It is a direct counterstrike against what they perceive to be the natural progression of history. Things aren't supposed to move "backwards," in their view.
  • @CounterStrike I beg you fix server problems (Packet Loss) ??
  • Before moving it to the active map pool, maybe you could fix some of Train visual issues @CounterStrike ? <3
  • @CounterStrike @valvesoftware FIX THE RAGDOLL ISSUE NOW on Cs2 Unplayable!
  • @Symbiosion @CounterStrike The problem goes beyond just cheaters. The current kick and report system has significant flaws. A player who follows fair play rules and adheres to Valve/CS's guidelines can still be permanently banned without their case ever being properly reviewed.
  • great update you pushed @CounterStrike .....inspect is broken and bodies flying to space when killed.
  • Ok, I have tried everything even putting CS2 on a new drive and I still keep getting the same error. @CounterStrike
  • Todays Update, is one of the worst for CS2 yet. Lower FPS, Ragdolls broken, Weapon inspect broken. CS2 Players are Alphatesters now, and the devs of @CounterStrike and @valvesoftware are unable to Playtest their useless Updates. Cmon, you are a Billion $ Company. WTF
  • @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike fix inspect pls
  • @CounterStrike Game feels laggy af & ragdolls are broken from latest update. Please fix valve!!!!!!!!
  • @Znorux @CounterStrike I thought I was bugging tf out, I’m glad someone else noticed??
  • @hobshytv @CounterStrike Hit reg feels off again for me at least
  • @hobshytv @CounterStrike Still no dangerzone, pls fix
  • This CS2 update is broken @CounterStrike When you switch weapons you can't inspect right away and the rag doll physics are super weird now. Anything else?
  • .@CounterStrike fix the inspect delay after pulling out the gun/knife ?
  • @SPUNJ @CounterStrike Also - please fix the raging cheating issue. Okay thanks bye
  • @CounterStrike PLEASE FIX THE ISSUE with me being disconnected for imput lag
  • @CounterStrike Fix The Racism Issue you just letting my teammates get abused
  • @PHlLLY @CounterStrike broken fang,riptide and shatter web 59 xp boosts in total
  • @CounterStrike fix alt tab issues plz
  • Recently, players encountered a blue screen when opening the weapon box to obtain the CZ75 sticker ( badly damaged and battlescarred state). Valve announced that the game crashed due to code flaws. Valve will give players who own the skin a Counter-Strike weapon box as reparation
  • @renyanFPS @CounterStrike All the modes are in trouble. Just tried regular dm, 50% of the lobby are bots with cheats, when u spectate them, they do nothing. If Valves system can't detect robot playing, it's no better that regular captcha
  • Ey Mr @CounterStrike want to fix the anti Kick exploit that I've mention many times? Here is the console command.* Bind enter "disconnect" * You're welcome. And please dont remove the XP system for people that use that bind to leave mid match for casual matches. Useful bind
  • @renyanFPS @CounterStrike Sign me up for this!
  • @renyanFPS @CounterStrike Letting pros, streamers and whoever else decide who is cheating and who isnt, has been tried before. Spoiler, unless its clear spinbots, you will never know with 100% certainty, and you are gonna end up with false positives. Stop it.
  • @CounterStrike Just realize the cheating problem and askew matching in servers? ....or what?
  • @valvesoftware @CounterStrike ANY nvidia driver after 561.09 (September 2024) causes the CS2 tools to crash when building light/path tracing. This bug has been an issue for months and I have emailed your tech team and have yet to be updated. I can't finish my project!!!!
  • @CounterStrike it genuinely pains me but after 9 years of playing your game almost exclusively I have to call it quits. The baseline for performance, hit registration and network issues is so poor that the game is no longer competitive or fun.
  • @Schm4ndi @CounterStrike fr, getting vac integrity error here...
  • @mho0ohm @CounterStrike imagine alt + tab not working for you? the rest of the points are valid tho
  • I am going to become a professional Counter-Strike player when my health issues are fixed.
  • @mho0ohm @CounterStrike i think ur pc broke if alt tab not working bruh what
  • @mho0ohm @CounterStrike alt tab hasn't worked since csgo released
  • @mho0ohm @CounterStrike Alt + tab,…not working? Works for me. What’s not working about it?
  • @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike Yea either that or u just don’t understand how vram works xd
  • @CounterStrike Give us some other option to report cheaters, ingame one is obv not working steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-OxDAS-mNSQm-vmfS6-8YDHC-yxOhG VG.ISEEYOUPEE is obviously cheating.
  • @CounterStrike sv_reliableavatardata: fatal error -- Cannot read required default image file 'avatars/default.png' crashes out every few mins on go tv. please fix... and why remove copy crosshair from go tv?
  • @ohnePixel @CounterStrike Yeah I also had weird bug, all my picks got randomised… Valve pls fix
  • @launders @CounterStrike How do y’all get to read these updates? I’ve been getting the same error about content not available for the past year, wtf.
  • @ohnePixel @CounterStrike mine too!
  • @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike fixed for me now. hopefully you as well
  • @CounterStrike @DonHaci When will the devs fix the stutters and packet loss issues? Since the Shangai update (according to me, as some people claim that the game has been in that state since the armory update), the general game performance of many people has gotten worse. Do something, devs!
  • Hey @CounterStrike I’m still waiting for response from anyone who is capable of helping with the problem in previous tweet, I got changed my country region to china, without me being asking for that and I can’t get my inventory back, please contact me anywhere or @heroicgg and…
  • @Truth_Web3 @CounterStrike Do they use knife to knife mode? ?
  • @CounterStrike has became insanely laggy/stuttering since 2-3 weeks. I didn't have issues before, but now it's a diashow. What changed?
  • @DonHaci @CounterStrike Hey Hac1, It looks like I’ve identified an error in your tweet, this should read “silver” instead of “diamond.” Please update accordingly. Thanks, WBD
  • @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike Nothing is dropping, Thanksgiving is this week in the states
  • @BigSynTV @CounterStrike ive been having 150-200 fps drops but it's not always, just at random times. was told today that if you clear your shader cache it can fix it so i did that but haven't tested it out yet
  • @CounterStrike hey how’s the power outage going
  • @hobshytv @Joenziii @CounterStrike upload errors since the armory update, which makes the game unplayable in prem, and can cause drops make ur you have error reporting in your game, everyone is having the same issue when I bring it up in a compet or prem
  • @hobshytv @CounterStrike Any fix for that
  • @hobshytv @Joenziii @CounterStrike Yesterday had some weird drops to literal 3-5 fps for a few sec, and then it goes back to normal after a while, first time it happened
  • @Joenziii @CounterStrike I’ve had no issues until the past week and it’s random. Normally my pc runs the game great
  • @CounterStrike and @valvesoftware getting teamkilled and called all kinds of slurs by russians again so its impossible to even complete 1 normal game of cs. you have just had a report from @ADL on problems on the platform. when are you going to moderate seriously? when?
  • @JustingoodB @CounterStrike @valvesoftware Mine was stuttery as hell yesterday
  • @nickmineboom @joddehehe @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike @ftzyi RIOT has done it All their servers are 128 ticks servers and the game runs smoothly Way more smoothly than CS2 at the moment with all the optimization issues
  • Has anyone else been finding they've been experiencing res glitch on launch much more than usual after the new counterstrike update? If anyone's found a fix other than just restarting the game until it decides to agree please shout o7
  • @DanielSen_csgo @CounterStrike @WarmupServer Thanks for fixing it!
  • @crankz_1 @austincsgo_ @CounterStrike Ryzen 5 7500F, everything works fine, idk whats the problem is.
  • @Infighter89 @MarketCSGOcom @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike @ftzyi They tried it on a offline server with 0ms ping :)
  • @anazhir_ @CounterStrike @WarmupServer Yes, there was a problem on Dust2 23, which should be fixed now. Thanks for naming the server where you have problems.
  • @tryckcs @austincsgo_ @CounterStrike It's more that it's normal in correlation to the way the system works. Due to that dynamically changing buffer. Does that make sense?
  • .@CounterStrike drops highly anticipated update just as I return from a weeklong trip. ?
  • @austincsgo_ @CounterStrike Disagree completely, all they are seemingly doing are applying 'band-aid' fixes to the core reasons/problems why the game doesn't feel as good as CSGO. This is a band-aid fix instead of actually FIXING the major netcode issues the game has. Same with the flash dot from spraying.
  • @Jebus3211 @CounterStrike @ftzyi @ZPostFacto Oh yea? Happening in offline workshop maps too. Surely it's working exactly as it was mentioned in the patch notes :D
  • @Ozzny_CS2 @launders @CounterStrike They listened it seems ?
  • @DenisMe7 @CounterStrike nah, would cause too many issues and it's fine how it is now
  • @pricempire @CounterStrike now i can, before i was trying to register from the trending page and i got an error message. Thanks!
  • @jslryll @dysenbc @CallofDuty @Activision @CounterStrike I encountered the same issues and tried various methods but couldn’t resolve it. A friend suggested I contact @astra_fixx on X, and he was able to fix it for me.
  • @m0kka_21 @ExerpasCS @CounterStrike It shouldn't take more than a month to fix a network issue.. That should be fixed within a week max. Just like any other game
  • @sashathesmash_a @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike This update only messes with telemetry. Meaning it only messes with how the game reads your connection. They haven't really done anything at all to improve server performance. They are laughing in our faces while we spin their slot machines.
  • Currently despite steam Status showing everything is up and running when I log in, I can't see my agent neither the background and everything is blurred @CounterStrike
  • @lfcfutman @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike @valvesoftware Why do you buy a new pc when the problem is network related?
  • @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike So if anyone having issues with WiFi and unable to connect directly through Ethernet and have an rg6 cable, I will let you know or if it improves quality! ?
  • @NeroFox_ @Ozzny_CS2 @CounterStrike 18.11.2019 shattered web Monday
  • fk off DRILLAS, EU teams play in Asia? countless technical issues for delay. After the technical issues, tactical timeout followed by another technical issues??? @CounterStrike @HLTVorg
  • fk off DRILLAS, EU teams play in Asia? countless technical issues for delay. After the technical issues, tactical timeout followed by another technical issues??? @CounterStrike
  • fk off DRILLAS, EU teams play in Asia, countless technical issues for delay. After the tactical timeout, technical issues followed by another tactical timeout??? @CounterStrike
  • fk off DRILLAS, EU teams play in Asia, countless technical issues for delay. After the tactical timeout, technical issues followed by another tactical timeout???@CounterStrike
  • @sodioCS @Pala @CounterStrike @CS_PerfectWorld @PWRDEsports Can't buy it at the moment, but it should be available for sale offline when the major starts. There are also nearby shopping malls on the Perfect World official app, but this product is not currently available on the shelves。
  • @valvesoftware @CounterStrike Y’all mind fixing the surfing issues that were just created with the last patch? I’ve been trying it everyday after work and it’s still broken ???
  • @xMercy_CS if im in a cs server, and i alt tab, then alt tab back to server. i lose the ability to jump lol. have to disconnect from server everytime to fix it. pls fix @CounterStrike
  • .@valvesoftware @CounterStrike please fix your game fps drop after an update is not normal thx
  • @CounterStrike What's happening? I started the premier match and voted everything but it doesn't let me connect to the server? IT DOESN'T START. I've restarted game,steam and PC but it still doesn't take me to the match! But surely I got the 30min cooldown for abandoning? HELP!
  • @gloxzii94064 @ThourCS2 @HardwareUnboxed @CounterStrike iirc there are some issues with sheduling. So cs2 might end up playing on the "wrong" cores without x3d
  • @impenetrab1e @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike Ur internet is probably just bad unfortunately. Probably only noticing now because of the displayed stat
  • @CounterStrike Hello. Hope you are well. Your game sucks. Please fix it. Fix networking issues please, fix FPS issues please, broader map pool please, fix hit registry please, better anti-cheat please, cl_bob please. Fix your game, please. Thank you.
  • @Les_on_x @CounterStrike @Ozzny_CS2 @BLASTPremier @G2m0NESY @G2esports Subtick is not fine at all have you played the game at all ?
  • @CounterStrike pls fix packet loss issue thx ?
  • @D_Fet_ @IT_Miguel_ @DramaAlert @CounterStrike Wait wait wait, now I read it again, I actually had a bug in CS where I had my cursor somewhere else than it registered, you say it was a resolution glitch? Idk it worked after some Time but thx
  • @KatoBuff @CounterStrike Valve have issues with number 3, so propably they will skip that to 4 ?
  • @sleepychris_ @CounterStrike They fixed it previous update no? They allowed servers to be able to disable the previous updates movement changes to revert it to how it was before.
  • @dzanamana_ @ThourCS2 @basisspace @CounterStrike carpet works fine tho?
  • @CounterStrike Hello. Hope you are well. Your game sucks. Please fix it. Fix networking issues please, fix FPS issues please, broader map pool please, fix hit registry please, better anti-cheat please. Fix your game, please. Thank you.
  • @millebror @CounterStrike I know and I do it constantly, but even that little delay affects timings. Even if it didn't, it could affect a peek towards site. Idk why'd you wanna defend a bug, Valve please fix.
  • @PlisKacper @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike nope, that was intentionally broken during the summer in the anti snap-tap update.
  • @FreakazoidA @CounterStrike They don’t have a network engineer
  • New update alert for Counter-Strike 2! Version is live with a series of tweaks and enhancements. Ready to enhance your gameplay experience? ? Released just in time for the weekend, this patch (Build 2000422) aims to improve performance and stability issues. Dive into…
  • @Mecke_Dev @CounterStrike its not a exploit bro its a normal bug and basically gives you more disadvantages than anything else ???
  • Iran could've earmarked targets to hit in Israel long time ago & have striken the very moment Zionists were hitting the Iranian bases.The counter-strike could've happened even before the Israel jets haven't returned back home.That delay shows weakness. @khamenei_ir @drpezeshkian
  • @kelyrag @ropz @CounterStrike Nah vert is fine. Train is heavily unbalanced. You’re blinded by nostalgia
  • @edMasterr @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike Potential fix, testing soon. Firmware update for my WD sn850x nvme. If it still lags I’ll test from a diff ssd. All I know if that SSD Updates can be important. My friend gave me an ssd cuz it would bsod. Updated it, works fine.
  • @deFIGHTinstinct @SlasheR_gg @CounterStrike yes you are right
  • @CounterStrike can we please fix the loss and choke issues.. It’s unplayable.. Deadlock is boring, give us some attention PLEASE!
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