Rainbow Six
Rainbow Six is game. When Rainbow Six is down, login may not be working, new matches won't start, parts of the game my refuse to load or users see error messages.
Rainbow Six reports
Reports about problems with Rainbow Six
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game your game mode has a loading bug/issue for the second phase of the event….. half my lobby left because it’s either a black screen or just the sign of Hereford base.
  • @Rainbow6Game Is someone else having problems with the game about the mismatch
  • @Rainbow6Game Is someone else having problems with the game? Servers must be down or something cause I just download the game and I can’t get access. I can’t even finish the tutorial
  • @Rainbow6Game maybe fix ur game so there is no version mismatch error without having available updates
  • @Rainbow6Game Hmm, so what was Xbox updated for??? We don’t have battle eye…
  • @Rainbow6Game fix the lags in the main menu nerv black beard fix console servers fix all servers in general maybe fix the whole game too
  • @Rainbow6Game Fix ping glitch. It’s been 3 seasons
  • @NRyan_14 @Rainbow6Game Had the same issue they won’t fix
  • @Rainbow6Game actual W. it's still slow even though its on an nvme drive
  • @JamesBo62112949 @Rainbow6Game they are even tho the maintenance is supposed to be ‘over’
  • @Rainbow6Game Thank you ubi, w update
  • @Rainbow6Game Can you sort out the fps glitch
  • @Rainbow6Game No Xbox fps drop fix please it’s almost unplayable
  • @Rainbow6Game Please fix the Updating Security Measures issue first. I couldnt play the game for weeks after an update.
  • @Rainbow6Game Fix the smurfing issue on console then I’ll be impressed.
  • @Rainbow6Game Bro please fix the glitch where people r planting outside on the roof or Oregon and doing the reinforcement glitch where they shoot through it. This is happening on console to btw.
  • @Rainbow6Game Please Fix the Fps drops on consoles, it's happening after the action fase starts! The game is also Crashing many times when I go open an alpha pack, And it doesn't let me record clips sometimes, I have to restart R6 to work! (Xbox Series S). @UbisoftSupport
  • @Rainbow6Game fix fps glitch on console
  • @Alfonso_1896 Hi Alfonso. We're sorry to hear you've had issues accessing the Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace. Are you seeing any errors when attempting to login? The first thing we'd advise is trying from an Incognito window, in-case there are any issues with the cached data for the site.
  • @PaxtonG23494 No worries ?. We couldn't exclude an issue in the game, but if you managed to resolve the dead zone issue for Rainbow Six Siege already with a reset, that's great for you ?
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game please fix the frame glitch on console and the rollback popping up on my screen after returning to lobby ts pmo unplayable
  • @TonyHiimself @Rainbow6Game Honestly no. They can’t even fix simple fps glitches and connection errors
  • @Rainbow6Game anyone else getting frame drops on console
  • In general okeyish stream today, @Rainbow6Game just kicked me from matches and didn't let me join back so I got banned, fun stuff, error something about network but that is not the case as everything else stayed up ty any and everyone who dropped by <3
  • @Rainbow6Game please fix the frame rate drops It's right after prep phase every time
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game There is definitely connectivity issues on console too! Servers are unreachable been kicked out of a match twice today. Very frustrating way to start the weekend
  • @UbisoftSupport Rainbow Six Siege and i’m on xbox
  • @PilllCosbyyy Hello Loic, the abandonment sanction in Rainbow Six Siege will be given, when you disconnect from a match, before it has ended. Was there any error, when you tried reconnecting to the match? On which platform are you playing Rainbow Six Siege?
  • @null1143922 Hello null, if you're getting disconnected in Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox console, are you getting also any error code shown? An image of the error message would be helpful, and please you could clarify if you play on an Xbox One or Xbox Series console.
  • @chinquestella Hi oxymoron! We’re glad to hear you’re now able to connect and play Rainbow Six Siege. We apologise for the inconvenience you experienced and really appreciate your patience. If you encounter any further issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
  • is anyone else experiencing extreme frame drops after they load in on @Rainbow6Game
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game We cannot load into any matches will not connect us in then will just throw us a match making error ? Anyone having the same problem
  • @yaelylx Hi yaël., sorry you're running into this error. Reports of error 4-0xfff0be2c when trying to reconnect have been forwarded to the Rainbow Six Siege team and are being investigated at present. With regard to your support ticket, this will be answered as soon as possible
  • @idkfgisnf62992 Hello, we'd like to help you with the matchmaking problem in Rainbow Six Siege. If you have problems matchmaking and even get an error, could you share an image of it with us?
  • @chinquestella Hello oxymoron, we are sorry that you are unable to play Rainbow Six Siege. Could you please provide more details regarding the problem you are currently experiencing? Are you receiving an error message? Please let us know. Thank you.
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game Anyone experiencing lag and frame drops on console?
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game Console servers are a mess. It’s actually atrocious. How are u guys not fired?
  • Yo are y’all gonna fix this hit registration issue or nah @Rainbow6Game
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game When are you going to fix voice chat
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game Can we get a fix on console for the matchmaking errors please. I have to re invite my friends after every match due to you game not working properly.
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game dolphin error
  • @AbooChicho @Rainbow6Game it seems to all be working now
  • @fortniter9134 @Rainbow6Game your not the only one whats your error code? mine is (Error dolphin-028)
  • Anyone experiencing server issues with Rainbow Six Siege atm. @Rainbow6Game
  • @Rainbow6Game why is mousetrap not working please explain?
  • @UbisoftSupport Rainbow 6 on PC. It was right at the beginning of the match, too.
  • @Rainbow6Game FIX THE FPS GLITCH!!!
  • Anyone else on @Rainbow6Game having issues where you’re stuck in your drone every round ?
  • @Rainbow6Game I get kicked when my internet goes out. I immediately try to reconnect and it says connection failure even though my internet is restored and I’m back in my party. Get a connection failure every time I press reconnect and then I catch an hour ban. Thanks guys! ?
  • @quiz4627 @Rainbow6Game "For clarification and from our observation, the current issues affect the PC platform, and results in constant random disconnections mid-match. Players seem to be able to queue into a match, but will be randomly disconnected mid-game, usually within a few matches."
  • @Rainbow6Game idk if anyone else if facing an issue where the game is not working but I’ve loaded into 2 games with my squad and both games we alll disconnected, fix the game plz
  • its acc unreal how amazing ubis servers are
    25 Jan 2025 9:31 p.m.
    on Disqus
  • @xim7th @Rainbow6Game Server down
  • @bedebezanim571 @Rainbow6Game Jm experiencing same issues ..?!?
  • Anyone else keep getting connection errors on @Rainbow6Game?
  • anyone have an issue with PC rank pool on console where you get disconnected everygame @Rainbow6Game
  • @UbisoftSupport Fix rainbow six siege fps drops are so bad at the moment
  • @Ubisoft hey could you guys find a fix for getting removed from a rainbow six siege game and constantly getting connection failures when trying to reconnect after a decade or is that too hard (an error that should’ve been fixed from the beginning)
  • @Rainbow6Game HELP!!!! I am about to get banned on a match I never entered!!!! My connection failure keeps kicking me out, but I never got in the game
  • @Rainbow6Game how can I lose rank when two players disconnect mid match. Definitely needs changing
  • @noah_votion Hello ark. Sorry to hear that you had issues in Rainbow Six Siege. Can you give us some more information what exactly happened? Were you disconnected with an error code? What platform do you play the game on?
  • @Cody00254722 Hello Kenneth, if you disconnect from a match in Rainbow Six Siege, before it has ended, whatever reason, our system will give you an abandonment sanction, as it puts also your teammates at a disadvantage. The temporary ban has to be waited out.
  • @MonkeyJavaBean Hi Watermelon. We're sorry to hear you've been seeing these performance issues after opening the console menu on Rainbow Six Siege. We are aware of reports of this occurring, and this is under investigation at the moment.
  • @TonyHiimself @Rainbow6Game The game is worth returning for but some of the balancing decisions the Devs make and the systems don't work great, also ranked 2.0 system is broken completely, so rank doesn't even matter anymore. But the game works so if you return, have fun!
  • Thank you @Rainbow6Game for banning me 24hours because my wifi crashed ! ???
  • @Rainbow6Game Everytime I open GeForce to play siege it’s says offline for maintenance for days and I been waiting and it’s still the same every time I go on it what should I do #RainbowSixSiege
  • @Rainbow6Game mousetrap and anti cheat update???????
  • @UbisoftSupport hey so for some reason rainbow six siege for me does not wanna work I can’t click on Ubisoft connect to invite friends or to accept invites and everytime I load into the game it always says can’t find a server error can you please fix this?
  • I can’t get on rainbow six siege because Ubisoft is saying it has an “Initialization Error 2”
  • @Rainbow6Game I have been waiting for a very long time for my support ticket to be answered, I have an email issue. Does anyone know how long will it take for someone to reply to the case I opened? ?
  • @Rainbow6Game So it’s been 2 hours and servers are still down. If you’re gonna post a time for servers to be back. Be honest, or else it’s really frustrating
  • @rubixir Thank you for letting us know, Rubix. We are not seeing any issues on the Rainbow Six Siege servers but we will keep an eye on it. What platform are you playing on?
  • @TMarshall24805 Hey Tahje, The Rainbow Six Siege maintenance has already ended. You should be able to access the game now. Keep in mind, there can be longer queues after maintenance as all users are accessing the game at the same time.
  • @Rainbow6Game Update crashed my game during a ranked match and now I cant reconnect to it even after the game has been updated!
  • @Rainbow6Game What about cameras not working when I place them?
  • @Rainbow6Game Squad ranking is not updating after matches. Fix it, pls
  • @Rainbow6Game When I attempt to reconnect, the game displays an error message stating there was a connection issue, and I am unable to rejoin the match. Unfortunately, this results in penalties for me as if I had left the game intentionally.
  • @psyducc09 @Rainbow6Game You should do an integrety check of your game files, it will fix said issue. Friend of mine had the same issue and the files check fixed his game
  • @Rainbow6Game we all know that isnt 60 mins its gna be alot longer
  • @Rainbow6Game Do you have any info on how many / what percent of XIM / CRONUS CHEATERS were banned on Console since Mousetrap 2.0 released? Seems like a LOT of XIM cheaters are still running rampant without being detected..... Did Mousetrap 2.0 even work at all? Please address THE #1 issue.
  • @Rainbow6Game your servers suck, every time i disconnect i have to re-open my whole game just to get back in, why are your employees paid
  • @Rainbow6Game fix the sound glitch you pricks
  • @HubBandar @Pirat_Nation I just want them to fix rainbow six siege. Every season and update causes more and new problems.
  • @GaySisterFister Hello yurrrr, if you encounter this problem with missing operators for Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox console, we are currently investigating the root cause of this issue. In the meantime, can you please check if restarting the game helps to synchronize the content again?
  • @BjLr6 @Rainbow6Game try replying to r6 fix
  • @Rainbow6Game Why is matchmaking not working? How can you still be having these issues in - what year is it now?
  • @Joseph_6794 @Rainbow6Game I’m having the same issue currently. Can’t play with my wife who’s Xbox and I’m PlayStation.
  • @simonblanc35797 Thanks for letting us know, that the invites in Rainbow Six Siege are working again. There was a temporary issue with Ubisoft Connect, which our developers had solved.
  • @sal_ninja @Rainbow6Game Wdym "Jammed"? The shield shock that is working as intended?
  • I can't invite my friends on console and they cant even despite invite eachother due to crossplay issues
    15 Jan 2025 10:42 p.m.
    on Disqus
  • @UbisoftSupport Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft Connect is not working again to invite through Crossplay. It says “Cannot be invited due to crossplay settings” even though we tried every setting. Trying Xbox and PS5 both.
  • @Overcastdog701 @Rainbow6Game its not working for anyone I've talked to
  • @Joseph_6794 @Rainbow6Game same here probably the server's down again???
  • Hey @UbisoftSupport,I got disconnected from a ranked match in Rainbow Six Siege due to a game error, couldn’t reconnect, lost my rank, and got penalized. All because of an issue on your end. How is this fair? Players shouldn’t be punished for your game’s problems.#RainbowSixSiege
  • @UbisoftSupport rainbow six siege. it’s for ranked and standard. doesn’t let me load into a game. i’ve restarted the game 4 times.
  • @XxMinetaXx1 Hello NoStop. Sorry to hear it you have been having connection issues in Rainbow Six Siege. We hope it was just temporary and will not happen again, however, If not, can you tell us how long this has been happening to your game and what platform you play it on?
  • @Rainbow6Game @UbisoftSupport The Rainbow 6 servers are having issues right now please fix them!!!!
  • @UbisoftSupport rainbow six siege, xbox, and every queue is like 3 mins for a free for all it doesnt matter what time of day the queue times are too long. with ranked it isnt as bad. but i had to restart the queue like 3 times before i can even get in a game. and this frame glitch gotta go
  • @UbisoftSupport I created a ticket to my issue in rainbow 6 and yet after a week no one has answered. what do i do and why does no one answer??
  • @Notryan115 Hello Ryan, if you're having connection issues in Rainbow Six Siege on console, can you confirm, which console you're playing on? Do you maybe also have an image of the error that appears in your game?
  • @Rainbow6Game I got the game a week ago and as of 3 days ago on my second standard game from coming back from each abandonment penalty I’m in the drone phase or setting up site and get booted for “connection failure” and get another penalty. Always the second game. My WiFi is perfectly fine
  • @UbisoftSupport I’m on the Xbox Series S and whenever I try and find a game on Rainbow Six Siege I get an error code 0-0x00000003
  • @GuleriaPrajwal Hello Prajwal. Sorry to hear it you have been experiencing freezes and crashes in Rainbow Six Siege. Can you tell us what platform you are playing on and since when have you been having these issues?
  • @tobymark1 Sorry to hear it, Toby, but thank you for confirming the issue with Rainbow Six Siege has been resolved.
  • @19Z79dCLeHAQUJT Hey dooluh! We have received reports from players in Rainbow Six Siege saying that whenever they try to invite their friends to a match, they receive error code 8-0x00000480. The team is aware of the issue and is working on a solution. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  • @Rainbow6Game The ubisoft connect error on console is bag after it was just fine 12 hours ago ??‍♂️
  • @Ubisoft @Rainbow6Game Its been over 30 hours what the hell is wrong with your servers. I have NEVER played a game with more server problems than yours. I doubt they have even started fixing the issue yet. What a joke
  • @Rainbow6Game Whats going on with the ubisoft error?
  • @Rainbow6Game ehy is there a new bug in the game that i can't invite my friends from cross platfroms(PS5) It gives a error for trying to connect.
  • @Ubisoft fix your game @Rainbow6Game error code 8-0x00000480 bunch of people are getting it too. Fix it
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game You are a bloody joke. Over 24 hours and Ubisoft connect is still down, meaning I can’t play with my friends on Xbox. Why haven’t you even acknowledged this issue? You’re an absolute joke.
  • @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game I have not been able to play with my friends when i go thru ubisoft, nor can i accept a invite. Gives me error code: [8-00000480]. Please reach out or help me.
  • @UbisoftSupport please fix the Ubisoft invite on rainbow 6 it is not working for anyone to invite cross platform
  • @Rainbow6Game Ubisoft Connect is not working
  • @Rainbow6Game @UbisoftSupport Can't join Ubisoft Connect on ps5 keep getting server connection issue… fix it quickly
  • @Rainbow6Game Can’t join my friends on cross play servers seems to be an ongoing issue.needs to be fixed!!!
  • Hey @Rainbow6Game it's been 6 hours now I can't get into my invites to play with friends. Cannot accept them, can't open the "ubisoft connect invites" keeps giving me an error and saying can't find servers. I can play solo no problem. Eveything works except invites. Address this?
  • @Caninezzz @Rainbow6Game Yea I can play games but I can’t see my invites to even load into Ubisoft to accept them, If I get invited and hit the LT to accept, it just throws me a error code after a while of it loading.
  • @Rainbow6Game Ubisoft Club is perma-loading and giving an R6 Server error on Xbox.
  • 2025 and @Ubisoft still has server issues with @Rainbow6Game….
  • Is cross play on r6 down every time I click anything Ubisoft I get a king loading screen and an error but everything else works @Rainbow6Game
  • @anubis316 Hello AnubisXG, with 32 unlocked defenders, you usually should be able to play ranked in Rainbow Six Siege. Do you also have at least 10 attackers unlocked too? Images of your unlocked operators and the error message for ranked would be helpful.
  • @Spartysix Thanks for letting us know. We had reports from Rainbow Six Siege players receiving the error 4-0xFFF0BE2C while reconnecting to matches. The developers are aware of the problem and working on a solution. Should you have any match IDs for such matches, please share them with us.
  • @Kxhysiv Thanks for sharing the error code 4-0xFFF0BE25 from your Rainbow Six Siege. The error definitely indicates a connection problem, for which our previously shared connectivity troubleshooting can help. Please try those steps and let us know, should the error reappear then.
  • @Rainbow6Game Why is it me and my friends can’t play more than 2 damn games without getting a matchmaking error every damn time fix ur damn game damn
  • @Rainbow6Game Just got a one hour abandon penalty because I couldn’t reconnect to a ranked game. I tried reconnecting 20 times and it gave me the same error code every time. Wtf
  • @Letsion1 Hey Letsion. Sorry to hear it that you are getting disconnected from Rainbow Six Siege. When you say "disconnected from the Internet provider" do you mean from the game or are you facing Internet connection stability issues with your current service provider?
  • @edubwylde Hello Eric. Sorry to hear it you have been experiencing issues with Rainbow Six Siege performance on your console. Can you tell us what console and the model it that?
  • @scorpio_asma Hello Scorpio, we're investigating with our developers the high ping reports from players in Rainbow Six Siege, who are connecting the UAE North servers. Can you tell us your Ubisoft username, country, ISP and the platform that you're playing on?
  • @Rainbow6Game @UbisoftSupport Explain why siege on console is having FPS Drops/FPS stuttering issues that make the game unplayable, that have not been resolved?
  • I was playing rainbow six siege, I played normally then I got removed from the game because of an connection error and now I can’t even join a new game @UbisoftSupport
  • @MrDazzaThomas @Rainbow6Game Int error got me xD
  • @Rainbow6Game Yo if the game kicks me for A Connection Error And my dumb teammates, cancel the match Why am I getting banned. Btw I was trying to Reconnect. This some bs
  • I cannot fathom how you keep a system active, that generally has no positive effects, that is (currently) not working for a vast amount of users. @UbisoftSupport @Rainbow6Game
  • @Rainbow6Game I was kicked out of my ranked game and now cannot reconnect as an error code is popping up, how am I supposed to team kill my copper ranked team mates and call them good boys if I am banned. The copper Australian lobbies need to be trolled and who will do it for me
  • @Rainbow6Game Aand another season another bug another error error code 4-0xfff0be2c fix this we got connection error in mid game and than cant rejoin 1 hour ban for no reason @Rainbow6Game
  • @Rainbow6Game don’t know when this game is going to fix the connection error bug kicks me out of a ranked game then I can’t re connect and get a ban wow what a good game honestly ?
  • doing one hell of a job shipping xims to pc @Rainbow6Game too bad its not working
  • @DiasAvron Hi Avron. We're sorry to hear you've been encountering issues reconnecting to Rainbow Six Siege matches. Could you confirm for us if you are receiving a specific error code when you are unable to reconnect?
  • @rayan_catania Hello renard_de_lavarice! We have received reports from players in Rainbow Six Siege saying that they keep receiving error code 4-0xFFF0be2c. The team is aware of the problem and working towards a solution. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
  • @TheRealBugs Hi ????. We're sorry to hear you were encountering connection issues on Rainbow Six Siege. If this is still occurring, could you let us know any error messages you've been seeing?
  • @c_cas_c_cas Hi CCas. We're sorry to hear you've been having issues finding a match in Rainbow Six Siege. Does this occur in all game modes or just specific ones? Just to confirm, we generally advise restarting the queue when it reaches 5 minutes, as it can have encountered an issue.
  • @neno_r6 Hello neno! We have received reports from players in Rainbow Six Siege saying that they keep receiving error code 4-0xFFF0be2c. The team is aware of the problem and working towards a solution. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
  • @Chuvaco99 Hello Roberto! We have received reports from players in Rainbow Six Siege saying that they keep receiving error code 4-0xFFF0be2c. The team is aware of the problem and working towards a solution. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
  • @Rainbow6Game how I get an abandon penalty for disconnecting due to a network error
  • @MikeOrdaro Hi Mike. We're sorry to hear you were encountering connection issues on Rainbow Six Siege. If this is still occurring, could you let us know the platform you're on and any error messages you're seeing?
  • @UbisoftSupport Uhm the happening issue is I have no idea if it is a Bug that you have in your game or not just need to know in your system on Rainbow Six Siege to fix the Issue because the Internet of mine isn't the problem because I got Lag problem and people for no reason set in game and that
  • @UbisoftSupport its rainbow six siege on pc so it kicked me out and said your game requires a restart and i reset my game and loaded back up and hit recconect and it wouldnt recconect me and kept saying r6s servers have discovered an error and i got banned for 2 days due to adbandon