@ayoslits @Brawlhalla I don't, it's basically a mammoth fortress which is fine.
@Alperen5841 @SenkoBH We veterans of Brawlhalla are well aware of all the issues you brought up ("bloatware" sounds inaccurate to me tho), and we know they're not insignificant issues.
But those also don't tend to be the things the uninitiated complain or fuss about (except new player exp.).
@ItsB0unce @Brawlhalla Me too i hope it’s an error and you don’t have to pay extra ?
@Brawlhalla Is the "sweep all the legs" achievement bugged? Many people having issues unlocking it. Is the description just written wrong?
@Brawlhalla the hit opponent into pressure mine challenge is not working for me, is there a known bug ?
This is a PSA. there is a child groomer on xbox: gamertag Mrcylinders. After being called out for lewdcomments to a minor in a voice chat lobby on brawlhalla They ddos me and as soon as i got on and called them a piece of garbage, they reported me. Im comm banned now. For 3 days.
#brawlhalla online has a major desyncing issue right now
@Brawlhalla so after 1 minute, the server will go up?
@Brawlhalla Please tell me they fixed certain letters not working when creating a clan?
@Brawlhalla When are servers coming back online?
@Brawlhalla "brief" - meanwhile 2 hours:
@Brawlhalla when will the server will be up
@Brawlhalla When are de servers on
@Brawlhalla When will servers go back up?
@Brawlhalla When r servers back up in the UK
@Brawlhalla Time to grind my title back as the best Xbox player eu ??
@Brawlhalla What time is the update for UK?
Okay despite my spelling error AT 3AM, cannon is a stupid weapon that needs serious nerfs. Brawlhalla please fix ??
@Brawlhalla unfortunately i’m a working man who’ll never catch these code drops
@Neox_FNBR @FortniteStatus This is like asking for a refund on a game when it becomes a free ps+ game or something.
Seen the same sorta situation in the brawlhalla community, and the answer's the same.
You got the skin way earlier than anyone else who didn't spend money on it did.
Time is money.
@Brawlhalla totally has performance issues still, stutters and lag all the time. the easy anti cheat folder is gone too
I’m no longer playing this game competitively until the servers are fixed. It’s become unbearable and I’m not having fun in the slightest. Please @Brawlhalla stop ignoring these issues that have been plaguing this game for so long. It’s driving people away.
@Brawlhalla we gonna fix the clan glitch i cant use have of the letters
@Brawlhalla Im having a very specific problem where i cant connect to the US East servers but i connect to every other one fine, any ideas why?
CAN WE GET A SERVER IN INDIA [PLEASE] @Brawlhalla my game runs with extreme delay. The minimum delay I play with is 120ms. I have tried all the servers. The closest ones are SEA and ME. But doesn't work for me. It would mean a lot.
Anyone else having connection problems with Brawlhalla right now? @Brawlhalla please fix this connection problem on NA-E
@Brawlhalla Hello. Your update has not fixed anything at all! Still so many bugs and lags, it is impossible to play properly! With all the money we spent on this game, it is unacceptable and intolerable !!!
1 week and no improvements !!!!!
I have clip upon clip of straight up brawlhalla servers being absolutely horrible while I have decent Internet at the very least. Please, please, please do something about the lag, the game would be so much better if there weren't so many ping and latency issues. Please fix this
@Brawlhalla This hot fix update RUINED the mobile version.
Initially,this was only a pc problem but after this hot fix the mobile version of brawl has been crashing LEFT,RIGHT AND CENTRE
Please ensure that the game is fixed on ALL PLATFORMS ?
@pleymor @Brawlhalla Wow, i just hope they can fix it extremely soon
Disable all monitors except for your primary in nvidia control panel > set up multiple displays
This fixed ALL of my Brawlhalla performance issues created by the recent patch. It’s worth trying for everyone.
#brawlhalla ranked is no longer playable without EAC. Game feels worse and it crashed 2 times today. Wtf
@Monihalla @Brawlhalla Update gave me so many issues
I got hit by a sig and brawlhalla immediately crashed
Haven't been able to update the tech test version of brawl since yesterday. Now using regular version of brawl with -framefix and -unlockfps. Can't get through 2 games without constant frame drops. RTX 4090 + 360hz monitor. Just me or is something wrong w/ brawl? #brawlhalla
Basically quit brawlhalla since SF6 and T8 dropped. Seems like they want the goat back (its me, im the goat)
@game7dmo @Brawlhalla Figured, just saying it might not happen for a good bit. As you know, they like to do 4 legends per weapon then move onto something else, then return eventually.
@Brawlhalla How does this work? I've already downloaded the beta and it only seems to be for the normal game, do I have to activate something in the training?
How does anyone even play brawlhalla right now, line of sight interactions are totally broken and the game runs horrible.
@DarkFX3 @Brawlhalla @GDSandstorm but, my pc is good
I tried it and, it’s not working that well
@DiffensiveGames Im having issues with my brawlhalla discord unban
@sneaky4778 @Brawlhalla You’re right sword has no skill
@Brawlhalla Brawlhalla fix the crashing issue for older iOS devices PLEASEEEEEE
@Brawlhalla hey can you make brawlhalla mobile detect and map external keyboard keys?
@Brawlhalla any updates on the performance issues?
@Brawlhalla I take it back cross-progression just seems to not work for switch users at all
@Brawlhalla add kbm to xbox already dammit
@Brawlhalla thank you for your effort and haste to fix issues BMG
@Brawlhalla Seems like the new update have broken tech test, can't get it to work with it.
@GDSandstorm Play on a 540 hz monitor. And wait for brawlhalla to fix there’s issues . You a legend
Ngl I haven't been this excited for anything Brawlhalla related ever. New character looks fun, new UI looks amazing, and 64 bit is coming soon! Fix these server issues and it's perfect!