I was so excited for @thesims 2 but 13 hours in it just stopped working. I've tried all the standard fixes but it's completely unplayable. @Steam won't give a refund because it's past the 2 hour mark.
I was hosting a multiplayer room for “MotoGP24” and the room was forcibly disbanded when I got an error message that said “unable to connect to Milestone services.”
I didn't close the room because I lost my mind, don't get me wrong.
#MotoGP24 #Xbox #Steam
@PantheonMMO Sorry but, are the servers up? I am "Failing to login with Steam"
@CivGame Is there any way at all to purchase the upgrades on steam to get earlier access? I had the base game gifted to me and was going to upgrade it and apparently cannot do that currently. Given the mixed reviews on Steam I was going to hop on and hopefully help fix that.
@SheIsBOOGIE Try running it as admin, update Steam, or it may just be a server issue. Did you try restarting your PC?
@thomasmahler If Xbox drops out of the tech race and just focuses on making a console that’s affordable and offers a unique proposal (like a handheld) they could maybe go back to exclusives. But right now, Xbox and PS need every gamer they can sell to, on Steam, Switch 2, Xbox and PS5.
Grab ahold of your ski poles everyone
?Ver 1.0.3 is now available on #Steam and #Xbox?
⚒️Fixed many endless loading screen and lobby join issues?
⌛New AFK timer and drastically reduced waiting times in MP
?Leaderboard improvements
?Lots of bugfixes and polishing
Does anyone know if @Steam has fixed the FPS issues with @CallofDuty BO6/WARZONE since the integration?
#CallofDuty #Steam #battlenet
@Bran_Ridire @greanewolf Steam has an offline mode. I'd be fine. :p
@ArrowheadGS is anyone else having crash issues with steam?
@FauxAtaraxia @ofthedevilgame 13 hours according to steam
@Call_Me_Real Best I can see is just play MCC and do different things. This might not fully be an MCC issue and just an xbox live issue since it worked on steam. Probably not authenticating or is taking forever to authenticate the achievement
@trainsimworld /@dovetailgames, any chances that the service failure errors while operating a steam locomotives will be fixed?
@Windkatmeow @Wario64 Fine controls, I just finished it recently on PC. But it does have issues that can be fixed. Price is worth it, read the steam discussions.
@ZeroBelowTheSun There are a number of reviews (positive/negative) and discussions on Steam that talk about the bugs, including game breaking ones. I know you're aware and aren't being transparent. But I think if you can promote a game, you can spend time fixing the many issues said game has.
@GenoQuest @Pirat_Nation Also I suppose the 92% positive ratings on steam are lying too right?
@Steam_Support How can I reach steam support directly? Support in the steam app is not helpful. I am having issues after receiving a harmful message in steam.
@KunaiWolf13 Thanks for the reply. Please try different modes and clarify if the "player online" notification is from Ubisoft Connect or Steam? Do you experience similar issues when receiving other notifications?
@gardengirl125 Ok. It's two different security problems.
The voting thing would require interception, decryption, insertion, and re-encrypting the data steam to alter votes. It's the same problem as in the Imitation Game, but with a lot more combinations.
@Rainbow6Game Now you just need to get rid of ubisoft connect and let us launch it directly from steam so we don't have to launch siege from steam, take about 2 minutes to load up ubisoft connect, connect to the servers, load up battleye, then load up the game, and connect to the servers again
@GenieMemey9163 @Pirat_Nation Only preorders on steam are about 250k, not counting Epic, xbox and PS.
Moreover - peak number of players at a time was 158k
Get your numbers straight :)
idk if its me bc no one else ik has had this problem but does vanguard make updating (specifically steam) games slower for anyone else??
@PUBG_Support Says I need to update but no updates available in steam
If you're on steam and you're having issues with the Black Ops 6 update saying "Content file locked" Here's the fix:
If you're on steam and you're having issues with the update saying "Content file locked" Here's the fix:
Is bo6 not working on steam or everyone else or is it just me?
Is Steam having server issues right now or is it on my end?
⛔ Steam Maintenance ⛔
Steam will be undergoing maintenance shortly which may cause intermittent connection issues for New World. These connection issues will resolve itself once the maintenance is complete.
Explore Rue Valley, a narrative RPG about struggling with your own mental health issues inside a time loop.
?Wishlist Rue Valley on Steam now!
Disappointed with my @Tefal steam generator! ?? Constant issues, poor steam, leaking and not worth the price. Expected better quality for the cost. Anyone else facing the same problem?
manifesting genshin impact on steam store. i want to show off my achievements and see who else has a problem
@Wessibley1 A bit of a letdown. ea games got big discounts on steam and they are still faulty
They should remove the launcher, it affects gaming
@BungieHelp 40000 people on steam. And the servers cant handle that.......
@Aztecross no joke I think it might be an NA server issue I have 6 friends 2 on console and 4 on steam and we’re all playing fine with no connecting to servers but we’re EU
@moicanoufc UFC trying to send a message to jon about bucking his ideas up for this fight before Tom steam rolls you
@EsbeltoSanchez It's Tuesday, steam goes down for 1-2 hours every Tuesday. Maintenance day
@GladyoFENER @Steam I will advise you to preview your case to Nathaniel Smith onWhatsApp +1 (219) 608-6522, she's a tech pro she will help you just as she helped us when we were facing similar issues, I’m sure she can do something to help!
@nanda_kysa @Steam I will advise you to preview your case to Nathaniel Smith onWhatsApp +1 (219) 608-6522, she's a tech pro she will help you just as she helped us when we were facing similar issues, I’m sure she can do something to help!
We've also fixed an issue with ADOFAI running on Steam Deck. In exchange, we've had to temporarily disable "Asynchronous Input" as an option in the settings for all Linux devices. Thank you for your patience.
@MentalMidNights Thanks for getting back to us. Just to confirm, do you have the game on both Steam and Ubisoft Connect or was it just purchased originally from Steam?
@guptayash98 Can we get live steam this week @elonmusk
@Steam once a great company now a thing of the past. Constantly under a lawsuit and riddled with issues in its own employee and volunteer system hold back steam from maintaining good customer service and avoiding said lawsuits
@feralgames Thanks guys,preordered! I know even on Steam the Kane and lynch character pack isn’t available anymore,probably rights issues..I can access them on old Xbox 360 and PS3.
@Wizards_Help just trying to log into Arena on my phone and then on my steam deck and neither of them will log into Arena, it just prompts me that there is a problem and try to reconnect again. Any ideas what is going on?
@notascp @bohemiainteract Or, Arma 2 and 3 servers are unaffected because they use Steam backend and not a BI backend, as they don't need to support consoles, be it crossplay or worskhop.
And DDoSing Steam is a bit different level than DDoSing BI.
@PlaysClo I had to decide not to gift it to you or anyone with how janky the Legacy Collection turned out to be ? Multiple steam users were listing issues and not just me
FF7 Rebirth will end its 30% sale on Steam in 39 hours. It is currently 33rd best selling game globally on Steam and 20th in my region. It stands at 76% Mostly Positive score on Steam with 6.6k reviews with most of its negative reviews are about stuttering issues.
@Steam Why did my @8BitDo Ultimate C stopped working as intended? I bought it late Nov 2023. It worked out of the box with every Steamgames i used, like Dirt Rally 2.
Tonight all of a suddan 20250203, it stopped working as intended! Played Dirt2 yesterday just fine. :(
I did not steam on Sunday due to a power outage. I'll be back this coming weekend. Stream time has changed to 9 AM EST
Hi everyone,
We highly recommend updating Foundation to version on Steam.
This update addresses two major crashes that were responsible for most reported issues, significantly improving stability across various configurations.
GOG update will be deployed soon.
@dustyy545 its what all the steam reviews are saying lately
grumbling at steam because i have to redo 5+ hours of okami again to get the achievements since i was offline for one morning and i wanted to game reeee
@UbisoftSupport still unable to get HOMM7 working on my Alienware M18R2 machine without disabling all cores except one in the Bios. Any suggestions guys?? seems like a very odd issue, only affects this game. I 0oown the game through Steam.
@DeekeTweak This, pretty much.
Xbox has a huge base from which they can and will continue to sell directly to customers. Some of their userbase will now be buying their games through other platforms like they do already with Steam, while others will buy and play on Microsoft hardware.
I bought the Sims 2 rerelease on steam and it crashed 2 separate times in less than an hour.
EA should sell The Sims to another company so they can treat the franchise with the respect it deserves ?
@AdvocateFellow @NikTekOfficial Than devs and some of the performance mods you’ll never see from a dev in some cases. for me and many others load up fallout new Vegas on steam and that game will crash within an hour on any hardware. These companies can easily fix these problems but they don’t in many cases
@seconddinner 6 times in a row today the steam version bugged out with your client data doesn’t match the server. It’s been doing this on a daily basis. FIX YOUR GODDAMN GAME!
@seconddinner 6 times in a row today the steam version bugged out with your client data doesn’t match the server. It’s been doing this in a daily basis. FIX YOUR GODDAMN GAME!
@gandalfsoda i preordered it the day it was on steam and they’ve lowered the price 2 times and already refunded me the differences hopefully it keeps lowering…
@DeekeTweak I hope satya feels the same bc making everything for Playstation really feels like he is dooming the Xbox digital store so Xbox can become just a serf in the Playstation and steam digital stores
Major Single player exclusives matter quite a bit
GAAS and multi player should be…
@TaskForceRage23 @NoMansSky try downloading the experimental branch under betas in steam, its fix there.
@vigorthegame Not working on steam (germany) for a good time now
@whalewatchalert just when i thought the whales were losing steam, $Moby drops 20k on $nuit, anyone else see this as a sign the market is about to turn?
@PUBG_Support Any info for steam market ?
@PRESSEDARCHIVES i tried the steam option u showed on live and it worked better tbh
@MontyBennett i guess there letting them blow off some steam for now-freeway in california shutdown today same crap-homan is going after violent harden criminals first so they are not gonna waste time with protesters for now- these protests are not working in the favor of the immigrants
@TomNavrtil17 @DanielVavra No idea. Most of the time I cannot connect to Steam's server.
@CallofDuty @CODUpdates Still no rejoin feature in ranked !! dev error, steam profile error and so go on..... I hope you lose more players, so that you realize that money is not everything, but the players who play the game! But hey, shop is working !
You reduce load or increase load small nor you for make study then control your level, control steam output and also the pressures or else you go realise then steam temperature drop, e mean say the output to go drop.
@AlexMacLeod2 @CoryBMorgan All oil goes through the US.
Transcanada sold it's oil division, so they don't even own the gas line that was to be converted
Building new lines will take decades. Even full steam ahead
Theres no quick fix, this is our biggest issue.
Its not the pipeline, it's the pump stations
@TNIKYLO @Steam I will advise you to preview your case to Nathaniel Smith onWhatsApp +1 (219) 608-6522, she's a tech pro she will help you just as she helped us when we were facing similar issues, I’m sure she can do something to help!
@KnOne63 @Steam I will advise you to preview your case to Nathaniel Smith onWhatsApp +1 (219) 608-6522, she's a tech pro she will help you just as she helped us when we were facing similar issues, I’m sure she can do something to help!
@luann711 @DanielVavra Why you have problems with steam in vietnam
@UbisoftSupport hey i own the gold edition of ac revelations on steam. however when i start it, playtime and achievements on uplay do not update / unlock. all other ubisoft games i own on steam dont have this issue. i couldnt get support on a regular ticket i didnt think they understood
@Zolyin you don't need the PS/Xbox store either.
all you need is the data, stored literally anywhere.
however, online games only work if you pay for them so steam does in fact still need to exist.
also convenient to get updates immediately instead of manual patching and torrenting
@IWW72 Yes you’d have thought. We had other issues with the kitchen, they didn’t fit the extractor hood pipe properly so it wasn’t working & within a month the cupboard corners had been damaged by steam they had to fix/replace them.
@GabrielKrossVT Technical problems with Steam and such.
@Steam_Support Hi. I live in the UK and I am currently having issues purchasing a steam deck. Transaction keeps failing. I try to go through the Steam app for support but cannot find where to submit. Please help
@JeffreyMelvin @theshadyshane no, steam on an iron is fine because you are applying pressure. the issues arise when you are throwing steam into a tailored garment without applying pressure.
@Steam I’ve downloaded sims 2 legacy edition, the game is broken, I’ve tried to play it over the span of 11 hours between my laptop and steam deck and have lost all my progress 5 times because of crashes and game breaking bugs. It is UNPLAYABLE.
Sorry everyone. Steam will be either delayed or cancelled tonight. Having a pipe issue with the house so out bottom floor has water all over it.
@nuzzlesKoko @ScrambledFaz It's currently on sale on Steam.
@yennefersttv I bought mine on steam and it’s not working
So I bought the Sims 2 on steam yesterday and I'd been toying around with it.
I've been coming across the pink soup stuff, But also I've had a peculiar issue where I had a household that had two Sims in it and eventually I lost the other Sim on a load.
We just released a patch for We Were Here Forever for Steam! Epic will follow shortly after. Our developers are currently working on the console patches.
@cherrywaves000 Been excited for days + days and the same - WON’T LOAD! Seen so many people on here and steam saying the same thing (people on steam saying they bought on EA and same thing happening. Only going on to steam discussion hoping for a fix on there but alas - NOTHING!!) #TheSims25
@JBishie I don't really deal with upkeep. I just wake my system, open steam, and play.
I do get tired when there is an issue with my console and I cant fix it without Sony or Microsofts firmware. Happened many times.
@Xbox X Box is the future.
Steam ain’t going to validate any broken games until 2 more billion users join. Stream has so many dead ported games imo.
@MephilesDark666 @OhNoItsAlexx And?? Watch Spiderman 2 tremendous failure they don't even reach 100K steam, long live piracy!!! Loool
So I may have the motherboard on my steam pc going bad which is why OBS has been having issues. Looks like I'll be having to replace my MOBO , CPU, and ram soon.
With this issue coming up, I don't see Dreamhack Dallas happening at the moment. Obviously there is still time till…
@arkeresia I've heard it crashes when you alt tab which shouldn't happen in 2025 (though Sims 2 apparently has more issues from what reviews on Steam are saying)
Still waiting for my PC so might not Livestream for awhile. If anyone is interested in collaborating or just simply playing together can drop your steam friend code in DM~?✨
3/4 Dominance Shift ?
BTC.D at ~58.78%: Tapped key EMAs, showing a slight loss of steam.
OTHERS.D at ~9.71%: Trying to recover from being oversold.
USDT.D at ~4.04%: Neutral, with potential for more crypto investment if it drops further.
Dominance Conclusion: Bitcoin's lead is…
@_IamLich @RayReynoldsNMS Expect those delays on patches arriving to Microsoft systems to be constant, as there’s a sertification process for every patch. Any game undergoes it. I was playing Stalker 2 on Xbox and the delay is a solid couple hours between Steam PC and Microsoft PC/Xbox.
@NoMansSky @hellogames im having some trouble claiming the twitch drops; i play NMS via Steam and it doesnt seem to be registering the rewards, ive tried relogging and relinking my steam acc to twitch as well
is there anything else i can try/need to do?
@deminezz @sxnthwave no steam either
@geomacjohnson @PLSgetserious Then why the article from the Washington Post? The subtitle says their steam system failed.
@thatskygame Also, this is on a Steam deck. No issues on the Nintendo switch.
@Venrus280 okay it's not working.
send me your steam friend code
@AiSuperSoldier I heard they fixed some performance issues for the rerelease. however, I've also seen multiple people experiencing technical difficulties and crashes. every thread on the sims 2 steam is someone reporting a new issue ?
@cirosantinoxd @Steam suport is not working in this situatiin. And e-mails is with no response.
@chocomilo567 @Getwealthy21 Can’t dm you I have same issue pls dm me. Steam card
@seconddinner I can log in on steam but not my iPhone ?
@metha0117 @seconddinner Same issue here. PC + Steam no log-in possible?.
@Steam @CounterStrike i don't know if you awere of steam market. It doesn't work properly.
Anyone having issues that purchased the sims 1 and/or 2 from steam? I’m seeing a lot of people that purchased from ea having issues. #sims1 #sims2 #thesims
@Jringo1508 This caused the steam generators to boil dry, resulting in the reactor coolant overheating and lifting a relief valve. The valve did not close when it was supposed to.
@gtbsgDraynegang nah it was bbcf but i think the issue was smth to do with how steam detected my inputs since if i pressed enter it would work fine
@MSFS_Support @MSFSofficial msfs 2020 keeps crashing when loading in. I have it on steam. Is this an issue for anyone else?
@MldGhost @DylanTVillain You’ve been wrong all gen with the so called Xbox influencers on almost every pivot Xbox had to make. And can’t see that Xbox is essentially phasing out hardware completely. But continue following the corporate dribble. You might as well switch to pc and build a steam library.
@MldGhost @DylanTVillain That’s your problem not mine. You limit games based on ownership (which can change anytime). I’ll play games based on quality but I want access to all of them. Steam integration will just kill further Xbox console ports, essentially depriving current Xbox console users.
Is anyone else’s game not working? I bought on Steam and have an error message #thesims2
@_IamLich Steam currently has a patch that Xbox doesn't but it will be rolling out soon on all platforms ✌️
@KaiNumber7 The multiple store fronts is the area I have most trouble with, I just can’t see a way of that working, it’s erosion of revenue, competition to secure software to make your storefront more enticing so you get that 30% or whatever cut. It’s a minefield. Plus Steam Machines failed.
Dear Customer, Power supply from Steam Power House( bhagwati ganj rural) Feeder will be affected for 00:25 hrs for scheduled maintenance work on 31-Jan-2025 from 20:40 hrs. UPPCL Helpline #BLP_Steam_Power_House(_bhagwati_ganj_rural)
@Sansibp Looks like the AI hype train just hit a pothole... or maybe it ran out of steam. ?
@EpicGames Fix ur shi epicgames,my download speed in steam is 200-300mbps but in epicgames 0-5 pls epicgames fix ur problems
@BrianMcNuke Hopefully they do cause steam deck is portable and still requires internet connection even when playing the campaign which is annoying cause steamdeck has a offline mode so that you can play anywhere but can’t play halo anywhere.
@ZicaLaser @MischiefsYT I mean yes, I know all that. I was asking specifically in context of Spiderman 2 cause op seems to complain about it but giving it "recommended" rating on steam at the same time
@AdrianDittmann Disregard, guess it’s a glitch with gifs others are experiencing…
@PlushieFenn @GuildWars2 only steam users will get them, if you're also using gw2 on steam and you didn't get the gems, send a customer support ticket, anet's usually quick with this kind of problems
@Steam Hello I was just wondering if anyone is able to help - my friend is trying to use the mobile app but he’s having issues finding the settings on mobile steam to link his steam app. It says to go to settings then go to remote play but he doesn’t have that option anywhere
@DylanS99 @charlieINTEL It's been bleeding players consistently since November, with more than 300k players. It clearly has nothing to do with Steam performance
@Smokies420 @charlieINTEL Just search Steam warzone bad FPS and hit latest
It’s also why I moved to battle net
@CharlesJhallory @charlieINTEL Steam has the worst performance out of every platform and forced Tuesday maintenance and you confused?
Anyone else having trouble opening rocket league on steam? whenever i open it, it sends me to the epic games signup screen in my browser. Is the new update just broken right now?
@ingasu_jetlife @Steam did you fix this
So I think I have the issue figured out. Advanced sessions working with steam breaks online without a developer license. Why I’m able to start an advanced session in the editor but not on a “packaged” product.
?️ Waxpeer is down for unscheduled maintenance as we investigate problems with Steam API.
We will be back as soon as possible, thank you for your patience.
ETA: ~20 minutes
@torquesim In testing your C525: have you had any issues with the X-aviation activation tool? I am running XP12 via steam on Linux Mint, and get asked to login/activate the C525 every time I boot XP and load the Aircraft
@newame1235 @NikoMueller Yes but not on their own console and what about all those pc games on steam that have wierd issues how do they get fixed steam cant get their whole library to work on steam deck yet you think ms are gonna fix every steam game to work on an xbox
@RichC101 @TWTHEREDDRAGON To be fair. That's 70% of the Xbox platform. That would not count any Steam completions.
@CODUpdates Is warzone framerate fixed on steam?
@InceCastle I also think our steam locos kinda plateaued after the ‘30s. There was a lot of tech on European steam that we either never tried, didn’t try until it was too late for steam, or tried earlier and didn’t like.
@TheXclusiveAce Update on Steam doesn't work.
@Lefty_CS @GuildWars2 The problem was btw steam, not only gw2 was affected
@JoeyHavia @GuildWars2 The problem was btw steam, not only gw2 was affected
@PAYDAYGame @almirlisto hey guys I did the Payday 2 twitch drops for Steam in December and I still haven't received them in my inventory. Any suggestions of what I should do?
@DCUO Now fix the issue with Steam.
@cenkuygur Your shift to the middle seems to be losing steam.
? Gamers, let’s settle this—what’s your favorite gaming platform? ?️? Are you team PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, or something else? Drop your pick below! ⬇️
For me, I’m rocking [ P.C, Steam] the most! ?
#GamingCommunity #WhatsYourPlatform #LevelUp
@hi00friend And also have you been able to connect steam
@JayRecRoom @CODUpdates I am facing exactly same problem after recent update.
I am on steam.
@JoeyHavia @GuildWars2 Its a steam issue, nothing arenanet can do about. There was a outage on steams side a few hours ago and since that the issue exists.
A friend of mine has their room match greyed out in VF5 on steam.
Has anyone seen this issue. Apparently ranked works for them but they cannot join my lobby
@Toboinetsu @vicious696 I prefer the way Xbox is doing it. If I buy a game on steam it won't work on Xbox but I can buy a game from Xbox and it will work on PC and Xbox. Hopefully with the next Xbox steam will be supported.
@davimachaado It’s unfortunately just another example why the EA App sucks on multiple levels and that in all honesty EA should retire that app and migrate to something like Steam that’s actually secure or something.
EA App constantly goes down, constantly has issues and is a source of leaks.
@im_saiganesh They are the ones taking the lead in raising the voice against a dirty Tamil movie that is meant to hurt one section of the society. Their work will eventualy gather more steam.
@ElohimProphet @DCUO I managed to log in with Steam closed, there is definitely a problem with Steam