Roblox je igra. Kada je Roblox pao, prijava možda ne radi, nove igre ne počinju, dijelovi igre možda se ne učitavaju ili korisnici vide poruke o pogrešci.
Roblox izvještaji
Izvještaji o problemima s Roblox
  • For some reason over half of my accessories are gone. It’s just head accessories tho, but I can’t see them in the catalog anymore. But when I go to my inventory they are still there. I also have many glitches, for example my display name won’t show anymore and I have my old username back. And when I wear an accessory it doesn’t even say that I’m wearing it. I can’t even wear those accessories that I can’t find in the catalog. So I would say that they’re completely useless right now. I’ve almost gotten scammed, because those items that I’ve bought I’ve used real money on. So I want them back as soon as possible.
    2. studenoga 2023. 20:35
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  • I tried to log in but it won't let me so I go to forgot password and username and then I do it but then it shows me a whole different user
    30. kolovoza 2023. 07:34
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  • I have a problem when I wanna log in it says incorrect password or Username then I go to forgot password and username then I try to do it but it shows me a whole different username and not mine and now idk what to do
    30. kolovoza 2023. 07:33
    na Disqus
  • I Have an problem with this: In roblox Tower Defense Simulator, when i'm trying to join a match, it jsut says "Failed to teleport to a place that is restricted" Does anyone have any anwsers?
    10. kolovoza 2023. 18:56
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  • wfeg
    28. lipnja 2023. 18:46
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  • Roblox white screen when opening roblox game or beta app
    6. studenoga 2022. 17:02
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  • Toliko si debel da si označen na karti svijeta!
    5. studenoga 2022. 20:14
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  • Kompas pokazuje sjever, a seizmograf pokazuje tvoju mamu!
    5. studenoga 2022. 20:06
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  • Ti si živi dokaz da se govna mogu kretati!
    5. studenoga 2022. 20:03
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  • Tebi će za koji dan križ na grobu biti jedini plus u životu!
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:58
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  • Na tebe se ni semafor ne pali!
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:51
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  • Razvijen si ko' albanski turizam!!
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:49
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  • slicna stvar al su bila djeca :/
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:45
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  • Bolje da ti je tata svršio u koprive. Tako bi ga peko kurac, a sad ga peče savjest!
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:37
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  • Tako treba majstore!
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:30
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  • alo majmuncino sta si dislikeo MERRYCERA aye-ovu poruku troglocitu nepodmazani
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:25
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  • I cant join any game it says: An error was encountered during authentication. Please try aigan
    5. studenoga 2022. 19:09
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