Google Calendar
Google Calendar is an application that helps users be more productive. When Google Calendar is down, login may not be working, users can't access their information or get general error messages such as server connection error.
Google Calendar reports
Reports about problems with Google Calendar
@googlecalendar can you help please. My events are disappearing... I use my samsung phone & main pc and events I insert disappear for no reason. What else can I try? Never had this problem before, been since possibly Nov. Now resorting to a paper diary which is not ideal. Thanks
@googlecalendar Any updates?
Hey @googlecalendar is there any other poor customer ? experiencing the same problem as me? Repeated tasks suddenly stop appearing on my Calendar after a few times...
.@googlecalendar just casually dropped a major ui update.
@googlecalendar I‘ll try that, will I lose my calendar if i do so? I shouldn‘t lose it, right?