Skype is an online collaboration and video conferencing service. When Skype is down, users may be unable to start video call, login may not be working or systems can't connect to the server.
Skype reports
Reports about problems with Skype
  • Looks like Skype is having some issues.
  • taking calls on niteflirt. There have been some connection issues so if the call doesnt go through call again or send me a message and we can do it through Skype!
  • Community➝About Skype:lapianoisrael?call Service & Maintenance News And Features Tuning & Repair Acoustic Grand Pianos and Upright Pianos Support Tuning - Technical Services offers Kawai
  • @WindowsCentral possibly your latest about Skype has an error in the title? Should be there Teams?
  • @wallen_mor35952 Good morning...I have Skype. When you're not too busy would you shoot me your Skype info please. Ty
  • @pa1ar @Skype SIP should be your solution (even if you happen to use a setup with Skype that includes desktop shortcuts with images to the person that should be called) Modern telephony (VoIP or also called "IP telephony") is using SIP anyways. Should be as reliable as your internet connection
  • @TweetsByAmaka Skype says hi
  • @goddessvanesa23 Your skype link is not working please resend
  • @josetomas_bocaz @Skype Did you figure it out Jose mine not working still
  • @robbysoave @ryangrim The problem with Teams is that it was originally just re-written Skype code. “New Teams” is supposed to be a new product but I highly doubt they completely redesigned it.
  • @cryptomathgod Reserve quality crypto is ONLY Proof of Work with a continuous, growing hash rate. Everything else is a software project that will eventually die just like Skype, MySpace and WordPerfect
  • So, with the inevitable shutdown of Skype just a couple of months away, I decided to download Teams and try signing in using my normal Skype login, like they suggested. I did it, but it keeps saying there's a problem. Anyone have thoughts on why this is the case @SkypeSupport
  • @tibo_maker @levelsio I should preface by saying Skype has a service called "Skype out" which are calls not routed through the public internet, rather through a pabx system
  • After Microsoft outage! Satya be like :- Skype shutdown karna tha pura microsoft nahi! ??
  • @luciascarlet isn't the client the problem here can you connect to other skype servers
  • Someone at Microsoft definitely started preparing to pull the wrong plug. SKYPE! Not M365! ? #Microsoft #Microsoft365 #Outage
  • @Usman_unplugged Skype is not working
  • @Usman_unplugged Skype is not working
  • @ContinuityCloud I want a virtual UK landline that works with my iPhone in Spain (to replace my Skype number). But it won't let me sign up. No matter what contact number I put on the form or what format it's in, I keep getting an error message saying "not a valid number"
  • @JMas117 @pcgamer I have the same problem. Nothing compares to how easy Skype is for International calls.
  • I have been using @Skype for all my professional conversations with my clients based in China mainland. Now that Skype is getting retired, I am facing a huge issue in communicating with my clients. I cannot use WeChat. They cannot use Teams. Any suggestions? #skype #help
  • @kushanf21 @chamihin It seems to be a pattern with Microsoft though. They fumbled with the partnership with Nokia (Nokia had their own issues), then their own phone, and then Skype. They need to start caring at some point.
  • The shutdown of Skype underscores a failure to adapt in a competitive landscape. Teams may serve Microsoft better, but it highlights the transient nature of tech services. The legacy of Skype deserves a grander send-off. #TechTrends #Skype #Microsoft
  • @MarvelMaskless I cannot navigate Teams. Every time I have tried to use it I have had issues with it. Skype is simple. You log in, you have contacts and chats on the left. You can make calls. Simple. It is a superior tool, imho.
  • @PeterPurplePim I can never get it to work properly!At home, the connection always breaks up and freezes, especially if the camera is on. I don't have superfast broadband, but I never have the same issues with Skype.
  • @NeilNevins My career definitely did have us all on Zoom instead of Skype circa 2020, but then after a few months we then dropped it in favor of Teams since all of us were using Word/Outlook and Excel for tons of our work anyway
  • @cb_doge Not any more. Skype doesn't work very well and I get spam calls on it.
  • Has anyone else noticed that @Skype just doesn't work anymore? They changed something, and now it doesn't update conversations.
  • my skype is Hristo 7142 if some one is looking for me i am not in the mood right now and i don't want personal problems either
  • my skype is Hristo 7142 if some one is looking for me i am not in the mood right and i don't want personal problems either
  • Dear @Skype When will you fix the initial delay?
  • @kiaran_ritchie It's not meant to be a forum, it's meant to be a better IRC + Skype. The problem is that all the actual web forums software requires you to manage a website to use them.
  • Automating Tasks @powershell way Just built a ps1 script that runs on every startup and opens up my skype, mail and wishes me ??. Limitation: System startup load or CPU bottleneck can delay the script execution What kind of scripts have you built so far? #100xDevs
  • Automating Tasks @powershell way Just built a ps1 script that runs on every startup and opens up my skype, mail and wishes me ??. For voice: System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer Limitation: System startup load or CPU bottleneck can delay the script execution #100xDevs
  • @MasonLane350807 @KyleKulinski I’m having technical issues sending you an invite. We could try Skype or maybe a regular phone call. Be just a moment. Let me try X space again.
  • @spoiltsierra hey do you do skype call sessions ?
  • “Not being good” at merely reporting on Teams/Skype isn’t a skill issue. It’s a choice.
  • Today's Skype pithy: "<insert system> is powered by my patience and thought processes. Sorry for the delay and being so complicated. :P"
  • Changed pw on @Skype but now app won't let me log in. Error says either "too many requests" (even on 1st try) or "something went wrong" with no option to request support. Does #Skype want to give me my money back or make its crap service work?
  • @SkypeSupport I have been using my Skype number for my business and it’s not working any more. Can I get it back please?
  • @EE Skype is having issues
  • @Melissa50191622 @Skype I will advise you to preview your case to Nathaniel Smith onWhatsApp +1 (219) 608-6522, she's a tech pro she will help you just as she helped us when we were  facing similar issues, I’m sure she can do something to help!
  • Mark Zuckerberg responded on Skype while I wrote probleMs with meta using foul language calling me Chinese .
  • @TheRealNateBull @elonmusk It looks like your private messaging feature is not working, making it impossible for us to communicate.I was wondering if you use WhatsApp or skype?We can continue to communicate on it.
  • @IrMontes Hi Irene, we understand the Skype for Mac update is not working. Please send us a DM for further troubleshooting. As we're only conversing in English, please translate your message. We'll wait for you.
  • @Skype I have already sent Direct messages please check and do fix this problems. Thanks !
  • @diohgo Morning, Diogo. You can call +44 7953 966 250 from any device when you're abroad, and this number can also be called through Skype.
  • #skype @SkypeSupport @Skype I have been facing an issue where Skype shows ppl as offline even though we're online. It's been happening for a couple of weeks now
  • @RodKahx Skype doesn't work across borders?
  • @alexlindsay I don't know how anyone can fumble the Skype brand so badly.
  • Does anybody know if auto-recharge still works on @Skype? It keeps on telling me there's a technical issue. Then, I see that it's no longer possible to buy credit but I see recharge instructions on their website @SkypeSupport
  • Is anyone else having issues with Skype!
  • @putnam59196 I just added your contact and it’s still not letting me. I don’t know. Can you get Skype? I will get mine now, if that’s okay dear
  • @_IainMartin 1. American startups lead the consumer internet, with some European startups gaining global recognition. 2. Notable European successes include Skype and Spotify, with Flix as a potential new contender.
  • @robin_faraj They use a phone number and Skype phone is not working as well
  • @antonydaviesdj @NatWest_Help 18 days they've blocked me access to my debit card and I answered all the security questions correctly obviously in a FIFTY minute Skype call. What was the point?!
  • I can receive text messages but I can't send them Are there others experiencing the same problem? #Skype #Windows
  • @firefox Skype web on Mozilla Firefox 133.03 doesn't give any chance of calls and video calls, is there any update on this issue?
  • @SkypeSupport iam facing login issue with my skype. Recovery OTP sent to email with typo ch****@li***.comh". How Microsoft system approve emails with typo ? Iam working with Microsoft support team more than 5 months. Not able to recover this. Everytime they ask to fill form
  • I also have a huge issue with people who do not understand the physical limitations of a live video call, and how the camera works. The phone is held during the entire call for on-site/app calls. Skype has further limitations with how the tablet stand can bend...
  • Good morning everyone…I got my onlyfans up…we will see how it works out..hopefully good..Skype I’m canceling…it’s not working out…but you can join my onlyfans more to come with. It’s a work in progress..
  • Creators Are you having issues with @streamyardapp crashing and issues with @Skype . Not everything the Wifi
  • @MicrosoftIndia How do I reach Skype support for billing / credits related issues?
  • @discord discord is interfering with game sounds like crazy. Xbox/windows, ubisoft and now also steam games are effected by this s..t, so now its back to Skype at least that works fine without sound crackling.
  • @seanonolennon I moved from Washington to the gulf coast a decade ago and was surprised by the noticable cut off point of the regional dialect, gen x and older all had that southern twang, all the millennial and younger had what I call TV accents, I mostly blame xbox live and Skype.
  • @FluffyQuahogBoi @TommyQuinlan_IV I left you a voicemail. The Skype connection to activate the switchboard wasn't connecting. That means it's broken. Until they fix it, I can't do anything.
  • @TomerStrolight The irony is that Messenger was THE messaging app for years. Then dune brilliant mind at Microsoft decided to have users migrate to Skype to boost the latter. However, awful execution and technical issues caused people to flee the platform. Another Microsoft-style success story.
  • ⭐UK & UAE Routes Now Available! ⭐Reach your customers with zero dropped calls and lightning-fast connection speeds! Our cloud-based dialer simplifies call management and improves efficiency. ?+92 (336) 994-3903 ?Skype: live:.cid.3d64273c7ecd016f
  • @skypesupport Hi, I canceled my Skype subscription on Sept 19 (I have the email) but was still charged. Can you please investigate this issue and process a refund? Thank you! #SkypeSupport
  • Has anyone been having problems with Skype today??
  • @MeeSquash ? I have hundreds of contacts in Skype if not more. It’s vital it works on the laptop or I’ll be having two around ?. I use an external 4k 360 webcam, I won’t be using a phone or iPad for those mentioning this idea either ?
  • @Skype @SkypeSupport what's wrong with your site? I can view the available numbers. Could anything be the problem?
  • Is there an issue with Skype. Not connecting with video or sound.
    Dec. 3, 2024 3:27 p.m.
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  • @kinkerbellx Plz check Skype daddy. My Lf messages aren’t working
  • "It's just an #AI wrapper" is a common thinking error. Postman is "just" a wrapper around cURL and makes $300M revenue. MacOS is "just" a wrapper around command line. Skype is "just" a wrapper around VOIP. Customers pay for convenience, not technology. AUDIENCE + UI = $
  • skype sucks
    Nov. 28, 2024 3:42 p.m.
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  • Also, if you want a skype session and my light is green, then ignore the text that says "offline". It's LIES!
  • Has anyone had issues with their Skype status not updating? I typed "Offline" WEEKS ago, and despite changing my status many times, clients keep telling me it still says "Offline". If anyone has fixed this issue, please let me know. Skype support is TRAAAAAAAAASH!!!!
  • hi guys my discord is not working, see you all on skype
  • Having issues buying a number from Skype @SkypeSupport @Skype Error Code: REQUEST-0abd3420/2024112611
  • @AtulAGhorpade Skype not working unfortunately.
  • @Nikki_Night send your voice messages on skype they are still not working
  • @Microsoft @satyanadella @MicrosoftIndia @MicrosoftHelps @Skype @BillGates is anyone listening at all?? Or there are no humans working in your company anymore ??
  • Anyone doing Skype calls ????? Drop me a DM … in need of a cheeky JOI
  • @_somit_ Hey Somit, I have 8 years of experience as a Python developer. Direct Message me [email protected] Skype Id: tamimilton84 I'd be interested in developing your Web into reality. Let's connect!
  • Communication and Collaboration 38. Zoom to record calls 39. Loom for async communication internally 40. Sinch Mailjet to send emails 41. Skype for shared US phone number 42. Slack for shared channels with enterprise clients 43. Microsoft Teams for enterprise clients 44. Google…
  • SKYPE No internet connection since YESTERDAY morning Kindly check on this since it's badly needed at work thanks
  • @Microsoft I need to know if it’ll be Microsoft support or directly Skype support having login issues. It’s so odd that your tools cannot recognise user ids. It’s so frustrating
  • I don’t know why camming is not working for me at all anymore. I am averaging like one session whenever I sign into skype. What’s happening? ?
  • @Penkreality1 Well you just tell me you up for this on Skype and you’re camera not working so how can you go video chat
  • @Tenser always knew you had no braincells since the faking incident skype call
  • @TrueMETAx I have 7 years of experience as a web developer. Direct Message me [email protected] Skype Id: tamimilton84 I'd be interested in developing your web into reality. Let's connect!
  • @GiovanH Hey, 7 years of experience as a Web designer with Spring Boot. DM me [email protected] Skype Id: tamimilton84 I'd be interested in developing your web into reality. Let's connect!
  • @kisslilasthrone so I don't have to worry about 'insurance'. However, I have 1 caller I go through Skype, and he's required to pay in full before we start. I do give him some leeway as he's a repeat customer, I enjoy our chats, and the first hour of our call is mostly just chitchatting.
  • @99skypesupport I am facing technical issue in buying new skype number. Kindly fix this issue asap. "Unfortunately we are unable to process your purchase request for the service you wanted to buy. Please choose another service." reference ID: REQUEST-3a66c489/2024110314
  • Hi @SkypeSupport , I am facing this issue while pruchasing new skype number. Kindly fix this issue asap. " we are unable to process your purchase request for the service you wanted to buy. Please choose another service."
  • Skype allows you to log in but still has errors when chatting too @skype @skypesupport
  • sorry
    Oct. 31, 2024 7:10 p.m.
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  • i do apologize it's 1:02pm in Albuquerque and my children are waiting for me to celebrate Halloween
    Oct. 31, 2024 7:03 p.m.
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  • look i have been in a meeting most of the day trying to get business done so understand that many of us who uses this have certain expectation. Now if i come off abrasive it's because many of us here are stressed out! We are thankful its up again but understand many of us use skype for business
    Oct. 31, 2024 7 p.m.
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  • it's up right now seems like all the features are working
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:58 p.m.
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  • Skype is responding right now. Everyone please try again.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:55 p.m.
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  • Anyone on here that uses @Skype having any issues with it today?
  • told you sir, thank you for your patience, just be careful at your language next time. vlad, from skype.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:49 p.m.
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  • my business partners all started responding everything looks okay but i'm not absolutely sure it's totally up but i've made contact with my meeting business partners on skype i hope it's actually up and running
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:48 p.m.
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  • we'll ban you the next time you talk like that to us vlad, from skype.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:47 p.m.
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  • try closing it from task manager and don't talk to me like that sir, it's very rude, at skype we don't tolerate that kind of language!!!!!!!
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:45 p.m.
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  • it is working for me now
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:45 p.m.
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  • Anybody able to login on website successfully? We still can't login from here.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:44 p.m.
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    Oct. 31, 2024 6:44 p.m.
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  • Its up brothers, try restaring your computer if it doesn't work. Thank you for patience!!!! vlad, from skype. P.S. i accept donations, skype pays me very poorly :(
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:40 p.m.
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  • @Skype Skype is down for everyone in different countries. Issues include log in. Messages. Calling
  • This is very frustrating
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:37 p.m.
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  • Petey and Vlad are trolls
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:31 p.m.
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  • not yet on my side.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:30 p.m.
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  • Aaaand we're back! At least it is working for me now. Thanks Vlad!
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:25 p.m.
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  • Whats wrong with @Skype today? Its not working for me and for many users. #Skype @Microsoft @SkypeSupport @SkypeBusiness @skype
  • Have fun
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:16 p.m.
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  • bull pucky
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:16 p.m.
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  • so, apparently, a group of russian hackers asked us for 1 million $, which we kinda don't have, because we're... eh, not doing well?! LOL So i guess this is it for Skype. Nice meeting you all!! vlad, from/ skype
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:14 p.m.
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  • so, apparently, a group of russian hackers asked us for 1 million $, which we kinda don't have, because we're... eh, not doing well?! LOL So i guess this is it for Skype. Nice meeting you all!! vlad, from skype!
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:13 p.m.
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  • Hell I can't even sign in when I try to I just keep getting the loading circle and that's it. I don't even get an error code. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. I was talking to someone I haven't talked to to in 7 years
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:11 p.m.
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  • Vlad is working on it honey.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:11 p.m.
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  • Glad I'm not alone.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:10 p.m.
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  • so, apparently, a group of russian hackers asked us for 1 million $, which we kinda don't have, because we're... eh, not doing well?! LOL So i guess this is it for Skype. Nice meeting you all!! vlad, from skype..
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:10 p.m.
    on Disqus
  • so, apparently, a group of russian hackers asked us for 1 million $, which we kinda don't have, because we're... eh, not doing well?! LOL So i guess this is it for Skype. Nice meeting you all!! vlad, from skype.
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:10 p.m.
    on Disqus
  • so, apparently, a group of russian hackers asked us for 1 million $, which we kinda don't have, because we're... eh, not doing well?! LOL So i guess this is it for Skype. Nice meeting you all!! vlad, from skype
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:10 p.m.
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  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!Sorry we cannot process your sign in request further!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:10 p.m.
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  • not working at all
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:08 p.m.
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  • doesn’t seem to be working all that well
    Oct. 31, 2024 6:03 p.m.
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  • @SkypeSupport @BrtoYudelk33846 Our business Skype TX is down an affecting our output. When will service be restored?
  • You are not alone :)
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:58 p.m.
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  • sworry *crying*
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:55 p.m.
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  • It seems you are working on moving your users to other platforms )) Especially productive working today
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:54 p.m.
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  • better be you people went down right when i was in the middle of a meeting you’re costing me money
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:53 p.m.
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  • o.O its not only me then, skype down
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:52 p.m.
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  • hang on tight brother, we are working on it. vlad, from skype
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:50 p.m.
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  • hang on tight dude, we are working on it. vlad, from skype
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:50 p.m.
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  • @Skype Skype is not working properly Please advise
  • My messages aren't going through, and the app isn't loading on my phone. I won't close the app on my desktop because I'm afraid I won't be able to get back in. 1:46 PM ET
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:48 p.m.
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  • @no_war9 Yes. My Skype is down as well #skype #skypedown the screen says "An internal error occurred" I hope it is back up soon!
  • :(
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:47 p.m.
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  • @BrtoYudelk33846 Hi, We've sent you a direct message about the Skype issue you're experiencing. Please check your inbox for further details, as we're limited by character count here. Thanks.
  • I’m was in the middle of a meeting with other security companies and the darned thing went down! Microsoft is costing me money
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:44 p.m.
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  • It looks like Skype server down because there are no responses from skype app and website.
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:43 p.m.
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  • The same, it doesn't work for me
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:43 p.m.
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  • @SkypeSupport is Skype currently having issues? A few people are noticing issues connecting and calls are not going through
  • Fokin Skype. Slow and buggy. Why are people still using that platform while there are other modern alternatives? We have to use it in our job too due to that (
    Oct. 31, 2024 5:40 p.m.
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  • ? #SkypeDown: Looks like Skype is having a rough day—many users reporting issues with logging in and making calls. Anyone else experiencing this? Hope they fix it soon! #Skype